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Courtroom Etiquette Tips for Your Divorce Case

 Posted on December 07, 2018 in Family Law

IL divorce lawyerIf you are going through a divorce, your time in the courtroom is crucial in setting the tone of your case. Making a mistake in the courtroom can negatively affect your divorce and lead to a less advantageous settlement for you. Taking time to prepare before you are actually present in the courtroom will make it much less likely you make a mistake, so do your research before your time in court. These tips will help you make fewer mistakes and ensure your courtroom time goes smoothly.

Emotions and Body Language

While you are present in the courtroom, your actions will be noted. Rolling your eyes, laughing, angry outbursts, etc. will all influence the court’s perception of you and seem disrespectful. Even if you are not saying anything, body language is a good indicator of how you are feeling. If you let your body language show your emotions, even if you are extremely emotional, it will show the court that you cannot keep yourself in check, which will not be beneficial to your case.

Be Respectful

Being respectful to everyone in the courtroom is crucial to influencing the judge’s perception of you. Being respectful to the judge is the first step, but being respectful to everyone else present in the courtroom is the second step. If your spouse’s lawyer is asking you questions and you get frustrated, answering the questions in a respectful manner will show that you can handle yourself in stressful situations. Even if you feel you are not being respected, staying respectful to everyone is a much better way to make a positive impression in court.

Dress to Impress

Acceptable attire has certainly changed over time. It might be acceptable to go to your work in jeans and a T-shirt, but the courtroom is still a place which requires wearing something more upscale. Your attire is seen as a way of showing respect for the institution of the court and for the power it holds.

Have a Plan

Make sure you have come up with a plan with your lawyer before entering the courtroom. Being unprepared is not advantageous when the court will decide how much money you have to pay your spouse, division of assets, child custody, and more. Knowing what your lawyer is planning to do and how you can help them will make your court case much easier.

Contact Our Supportive Kane County Divorce Lawyers

Divorce is a strenuous process if you are unprepared. If you need help with your divorce case, the lawyers at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can ease your burden. Contact our skilled Lombard divorce attorneys today for help in preparing for your divorce. Reach out to us at 630-932-9100 for a free consultation.



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