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Crash kills 5-Year-Old

 Posted on July 30, 2013 in Personal Injury

According to a report by the chtribune, a 19 year old is facing serious jail time for a tragic accident that took place over Labor Day last year. It is alleged that the young woman was driving a Lexus and lost control, crossing several lanes of traffic, before driving onto the sidewalk and hitting a woman and her three children. Law enforcement officials allege that the driver was operating the vehicle under the influence. It is alleged that she was huffing a can of computer cleaning product. The container was found in the car at the time of the crash. A 5-year-old child who was struck died the same day. The driver is facing several charges, which could net her a sentence of 26 years in prison. The driver has been released from jail on a bond of $500,000.00. The family of the young decedent filed a civil suit against the driver, which was settled on May 7. The amount of monies that the case was settled for has not been publicly disclosed. The driver has since entered an inpatient treatment program to get some help. She missed a court date and the judge was not happy about her absence. The trial date for the driver is set for September 27. Driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol is a serious issue. If you have a problem with substance abuse, it is very important to get the assistance that you need for your addiction. If you have been injured as the result of someone else's neglectful behavior, you may have what it takes to file a suit for compensation. This compensation can assist you with medical bills and future treatment that may be needed. Your local accident attorney is eagerly awaiting your call. Your attorney can answer any questions that you may have.
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