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Understanding the Dangers of Do-It-Yourself Divorce

 Posted on June 29, 2016 in Family Law

domestic violence safety, DuPage County family law attorneysThere is no shortage of do-it-yourself divorce information on the internet. You can even download forms for little to nothing. Now, there are smartphone applications that claim they can help you successfully achieve a divorce. But do these options actually deliver? More importantly, should you even attempt to go through with a do-it-yourself divorce? Once you know the risks and dangers, the truth is that these do-it-yourself options often seem less appealing.

Do-It-Yourself Divorce Mistakes

Divorce attorneys spend years going to school to learn the complexities of the law. Once they graduate, committed attorneys continue their education by constantly staying informed and on top of all changes, modifications, and new limitations in their state. Logically speaking, all of this time and effort would simply be a waste if a divorce were easy. Furthermore, there would be no need to pursue years of education to simply fill out and file a few forms.

The truth is that all of this education, learning, and continued education is pursued to ensure costly mistakes are not made. Some of these mistakes – particularly those pertaining to divorce – may be impossible to reverse. This is the risk that do-it-yourself divorces carry: costly and potentially irreversible mistakes.

Contested Divorce vs. Uncontested Divorce

Another concern with the do-it-yourself divorce is that it presumes both parties will agree on every single matter of their divorce. Allocation of parental responsibilities, child support, asset and debt division are often sensitive and highly complex matters. Any one of them can throw a wrench in what might initially seem like an uncontested divorce. But, even divorces where no argument exists, the untangling of assets and debt can be especially problematic. Again, even one misstep could end up costing one or both parties in the end.

Safety Concerns and Abuse of Power

One of the most concerning risks that a do-it-yourself divorce may involve is a history of domestic violence. In these sensitive situations, the landscape of divorce can be a minefield, one that may even put the life of a victim in danger. As such, great caution must be exercised. Furthermore, the assistance of a skilled legal professional is absolutely necessary to ensuring that the victim and any minor children involved have the protections they need to stay safe.

Another great concern is when the scales weigh more in favor of one party over the other. This could be due to financial differences or disparities, anger or resentment, an unwillingness to disclose the truth about assets, obstruction, or any number of deceptive or dishonest practices that could tilt the power scales in a divorce. However, the end result is often the same: the disadvantaged party may lose the financial support, assets, or parenting time that they might have otherwise received, had they secured the services of a skilled divorce attorney.

You Can Afford Quality Legal Representation for Your Divorce

Most people who consider a do-it-yourself divorce do so because of cost, but this is not as much of a hurdle as many believe. The skilled DuPage County divorce attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can help you understand your options and rights. Dedicated to your best interest, we have decades of experience in representing clients seeking divorce and will work hard to complete yours in the most effective and efficient manner possible. To learn more, call 630-932-9100 and schedule your free initial consultation today.



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