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Daylight Savings Time Associated with an Increased Risk of Automobile Accidents

 Posted on March 25, 2016 in Personal Injury

DuPage County car accident attorneys, daylight savings and automobile accidentsOn any given day, there are approximately 1,000 automobile accidents per day. In those accidents, somewhere around 3,287 people are killed, and another 55,000 or more are seriously injured. However, those numbers may be higher immediately after daylight savings time, researchers say. Because of this, some suggest we forgo the age-old time jump tradition.

History of Daylight Savings Time

America has not always sprung forward or fallen back; in fact, prior to World War I, daylight savings did not exist. By the 1960s, it became the national standard. However, experts say that the presumed and expected energy conservation benefits are either unclear or completely non-existent. To make matters worse, it seems to be affecting the health of Americans everywhere.

Sleep Disruption Pose Numerous Health Consequences

The human body is a fragile and sensitive thing; even the smallest disruption in sleep patterns can completely throw it off. Daylight savings time does so by an hour, twice per year, and experts say it is causing many health complications (and even some emotional ones). For example, one study has indicated that couples fight more immediately after daylight savings time. Others have suggested that the occurrence of workplace injuries and heart attacks are also higher in the days after.

Automobile Accident Uptick and Daylight Savings

In addition to the physical and emotional effects of daylight savings, numerous studies have indicated that automobile accidents risks are higher in the days and weeks after daylight savings time. The first was a 1996 study in which Canadian researchers noted an average accident increase of about 8 percent. A Great Britain report, published in 1980, found similar results. And, more recently, a 2014 University of Colorado analysis estimated that daylight savings time caused an additional 302 automobile deaths over a 10-year period.

Americans Should Practice Due Diligence

Unless a blanket change is made by government, there is little that can be done to avoid the ramifications of daylight savings time. However, Americans can be diligent and reduce their risks by preparing for the change ahead of time. Sleep more in the days leading up to the shift, and try to go to bed earlier to help prepare yourself. Furthermore, it may be beneficial to get up just five or ten minutes earlier the day after the shift; this will reduce the feeling of being rushed, giving drivers a chance to better focus on the road.

Involved in an Accident? Seek Experienced Legal Help

If you or someone you love has been injured or suffered wrongful death in an accident, it is important that you seek qualified legal help. The DuPage County car accident attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices offer comprehensive, personalized legal services and are one of the most trusted firms in the state of Illinois. Schedule your free initial consultation to learn more. Call 630-932-9100 today.





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