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Alarming Statistics on Distracted Driving: Cell Phones a Factor in One Out of Four Crashes

 Posted on September 15, 2016 in Personal Injury

Lombard personal injury attorneyThe reminders about cell phone use behind the wheel are everywhere – in the media, on social platforms, plastered across billboards and signs, and even in messages you hear while on hold with your cell phone provider. Yet the distracted driver problem continues to grow. In fact, a recent study from the National Safety Council (NSC) revealed some highly disturbing information: cell phones are a factor in one out of every four car crashes.

Just How Big Is the Problem?

According to the NSC’s data, more than 240,000 crashes involving the use of a cell phone occurred in 2014. In those accidents, more than 3,000 people were killed and more than 430,000 were injured. Since that time, the problem has continued to grow. In fact, it is estimated that, at any given moment, as many as 660,000 drivers are using their cell phones while driving.

Texting While Driving Is Not Always the Issue

Cell phone carriers began a campaign back in early 2013 that focused specifically on the dangers of texting while driving. Unfortunately, studies have revealed that the problem is not always the sending or reading of a text message that causes accidents. In fact, a 2009 study, which was published in the Journal of Safety Research, found that driving performance while using a hands-free device is rarely any better than when using a handheld device. In yet another study, researchers found that talking while driving is actually more distracting than texting. So, it would seem, the only real solution is to put away the cell phone until you arrive at your destination.

When Distracted Driving Leads to an Accident

Sadly, even those who refrain from using their cell phones while driving can be injured or killed in a distracted driver accident. More often than not, they are the victims and the other drivers are considered the negligent party. Unfortunately, proving as such can be extremely difficult since law enforcement rarely investigates such matters. The only real solution is for victims to know and understand what their rights are when injuries happen – this includes their right to seek full compensation for their losses.

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we serve as skilled and committed advocates for distracted driver accident victims. Dedicated to helping them seek the most compensation possible, we put our skills and knowledge to work and thoroughly examine their case to ensure negligent parties are held responsible. If you or someone you love has been killed or injured, get the compassionate representation you and your loved ones deserve. Call 630-932-9100 and schedule a consultation with our DuPage County auto accident attorneys today.




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