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Divorce and Domestic Violence: Understanding the Role and Importance of Safety Plans and Orders of Protection

 Posted on June 17, 2016 in Family Law

domestic violence safety, DuPage County family law attorneysIt is estimated that nearly 20 people are physically abused by an intimate partner every minute of every day. Yet, domestic violence is often an overlooked aspect of divorce. It does not receive adequate attention or recognition, and that continues to place victims and children at risk. If you are in an abusive relationship and are contemplating separation or divorce, know how to keep yourself and your children safe by understanding the role and importance of safety plans and orders of protection.

Safety Plans During and After Separation or Divorce

Anyone that is in a domestic violence situation, has recently left, or is considering leaving, should have an active safety plan in place. This plan should change as your situation does. For example, those who are still living with an abusive partner will have different needs than those who have already left. However, most should include:

  • Always having or knowing of an escape route;
  • Carrying a phone with you at all times;
  • Telling someone you trust about your situation;
  • Having a safe place to go or stay (friends, domestic violence shelters, family, etc.);
  • Contacting the proper authorities if and when abuse happens, or when your abuser shows up at your residence or place of employment; and
  • Informing co-workers, friends, neighbors, schools, and landlords of your situation.

Most of all, be sure to review your safety plan regularly, revise it as needed, get legal advice early on, and always trust your gut. You know your abuser better than anyone, and you have already exercised survival skills during the relationship. Use them to your advantage when it comes time to leave or when it comes to ensuring the safety your children.

Orders of Protection in Illinois

Once you have left, it is important to ensure your long-term safety. This is especially true if you are planning on filing for divorce since legal action can increase the risks of violence against you or your children. An order of protection can provide you with legal documentation that states your abuser is not supposed to be at your place of employment, your residence, or (in some circumstances) your child's school. Carry this with you and use it whenever necessary.

Those who have already left an abusive relationship may also wish to add a security system to their home and change their phone numbers to avoid harassing phone calls. However, each situation is unique, and some may need to communicate with their abuser. Just be certain to take appropriate safety precautions, seek support, and get assistance from an experienced attorney.

Help for Divorce and Orders of Protection

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we recognize the dangers you face. Because we understand the importance of strong, swift action, we take immediate steps to stabilize the situation so that you and your children can start to enjoy a normal life. To find out how we can help with your situation, schedule a free initial consultation with our experienced DuPage County family law attorneys. Call us at 630-932-9100 today and get the legal representation you deserve.





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