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Successful Divorce Mediation Can Benefit the Whole Family

 Posted on September 13, 2016 in Family Law

DuPage County mediation lawyersMediation, an alternative dispute resolution (ADR), gives couples the chance to work out their differences in a controlled, neutral environment. It encourages them to compromise and develop creative solutions that work for their family. Though not for everyone, there are many benefits to choosing this route for your divorce – benefits that can be reaped by the entire family.

Mediation Can Save You Money on Your Divorce

Traditional divorce, or litigated divorces, can quickly accrue costs. First, there is the filing fee and court costs. Then you have your attorney fees, which can vary greatly and are dependent upon several factors, such as the level of contention between parties, size and complexity of the marital estate, and each party’s willingness to compromise. Mediation works a little differently. Though each party may still have an attorney present to ensure their rights and interests are not infringed upon, the process encourages the parties to work together. This can ultimately result in less billed time with the attorney, which can thereby reduce the overall cost of the divorce.

Mediation Offers More Flexibility

Although judges do attempt to rule in a way that is fair to both parties, their decisions are generally formulaic in nature. In mediation, there is more time and flexibility. The mediator can spend time getting to know the couple’s needs, concerns, and unique issues. This knowledge and insight gives them what they need to craft a more individualized plan or solution. Couples also have more flexibility. Instead of rearranging their schedule to make a court appearance, they are able to schedule their mediation appointments at times that are more convenient for them. They are also able to retain more control over the final outcome in their divorce.

Mediation Can Benefit Children

Children do not have to suffer during a litigated divorce, but they often do. Their parents are often stressed from all the preparation, anxious about the potential ruling, and concerned over whether or not they will walk away from their hearing with what they want or need. Rather than working together, they may be arguing over the details and working to find ways to “out” their spouse in front of the judge. In short, litigation can create a stressful environment for children.

Mediation encourages parents to communicate, cooperate, and compromise. Arguments are often less frequent, and some even report being better co-parents when they go through mediation. This could be because, through mediation, they learned the skills and techniques they needed to effectively work together toward a common interest – the best interests of their child. Parents also tend to be less stressed when going through mediation, and they have more control over the details of their parenting plan. So, rather than feeling like each meeting is a “do or die” situation, they may enter each time knowing that they still have the chance to work out an agreement that everyone can live with.

Need Help with Your Divorce? Contact our DuPage County Family Law Attorneys

Backed by more than 200 years of combined experience, Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices offers assistance to couples seeking an alternative dispute resolution in their divorce. Highly recognized by our peers, we help you understand your options, guide you through the process, and assist you in crafting a reasonable settlement for your divorce. Start the process today by scheduling a free consultation with our DuPage County family law attorneys. Call us at 630-932-9100.



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