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Divorce Rate Among Baby Boomers Doubles

 Posted on July 10, 2012 in Family Law

baby boomers husband and wife smilingWhile divorce rates have slowed down for most Americans, amongst the Baby Boomer generation, the divorce rate is climbing.

According to data compiled by the federal government's 2009 American Community Survey, divorce rates for couples over 50 have doubled during the past twenty years. According to researchers, blacks were most likely to divorce after fifty, while whites were least likely. Hispanics fell in the middle of the numbers, once the rates were studied by ethnic group.

The researchers cited several reasons for the upturn in divorce rates among Boomers. Longer lifespans led to couples re-evaluating their choice of lifestyle and partner. For others, what defined a happy marriage in their youth has shifted to personal fulfillment. Now adults want to explore how to find that outside of a marital relationship.

Boomers were also coming of age when the divorce and cohabitation were gaining more wide stream acceptance, which means that fewer couples feel the stigma of divorce that their parents might have felt at their age. Boomers, like many couples, may try to stay together until their children reach maturity as a way to provide stability. For many Boomers, their children are now having children of their own, and couples no longer feel the pressure to stay together.

Experts caution that with the separation of partners, there are some issues that Boomers should consider, from loneliness to health and financial issues. Traditionally, spouses have been responsible for providing or managing a loved one's health care needs, and the burden as a newly single person can be too much for someone as the enter their golden years.

If you are considering divorce, it's important to consult the advice of an experienced divorce attorney in Lombard, Illinois. Call our office today for a consultation about your case.

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