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3 Ways to Minimize Stress When Divorcing During a Stay-at-Home Order

 Posted on May 08, 2020 in Family Law

Bloomingdale divorce attorney coronavirus

Amid the coronavirus crisis and the many stay-at-home orders in effect across the country, families everywhere have been struggling with stress at home on unprecedented levels. Time magazine reports that other countries, such as China, have seen a major spike in divorce filings now that people are able to go out and about again, and in many places, domestic violence has been on the rise for those who are still stuck at home. This is all very grim news, but experts have pointed out some key observations about these troubling trends, and this may offer some insight and help for those currently struggling in their own marriages as the pandemic continues.

Factors Currently Contributing to Marriage and Family Stress at Home

The reported surge of divorce filings in China following recent stay-at-home orders suggests that couples who were already experiencing tension and potential separation likely felt an even greater strain once confined to the home together for an extended period of time. The same circumstances are undoubtedly arising right here in Illinois and across the United States. Experts highlight the fact that not only are families currently experiencing major financial stress due to job loss, they are also limited in living space and in alone time. This is especially true for those who share children and are now forced to manage and cope with the kids being home every day, around the clock. Additionally, there is anxiety circulating throughout the home about family members getting sick, when normal routines will resume, and a general sense of uncertainty about the future.

How Divorcing Couples Can Reduce Stress During the Coronavirus Crisis

If the divorce process has already been put into motion, and you are dealing with the stress of the end of your marriage in the midst of a stay-at-home order, here are some important tips for keeping your mental health in check:

  1. Carve out time for yourself - If at all possible, try to schedule at least 30 minutes a day for yourself to be completely alone. Whether you and your spouse are still stuck in the same house, or you are separated and living only with your children, it is crucial to have some time to yourself. This, in turn, will help everyone else you are sharing your household with while being forced to stay home.

  2. Put time limits on arguments - Whether you and your teenager are noticeably at each other’s throats, or the spouse you are divorcing will not give an argument a rest, psychologists recommend saying no and shutting down quarrels when your mind and body tell you that you have had enough. Take a walk around the neighborhood, retreat to separate rooms, or make a phone call to someone within your support circle. Be aware, however, that if you are fearful for your safety, it may be critical to call the authorities for help.

  3. Set boundaries on divorce talk - Communication is important — possibly now, more than ever before. When it comes to matters surrounding your impending divorce, make it clear to your spouse that you will only discuss such matters during designated, scheduled-out times, with a mediator, or with your attorney present. The types of boundaries you draw and how hard you draw them may depend on whether or not your divorce is turning out to be a contentious one or a mutual, civil decision between both parties.

Speak with Our Bloomingdale Divorce Attorneys

If divorce tensions at home are ramping up in light of the Coronavirus, speak with a dedicated Naperville divorce lawyer right away. Talk with our competent team at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices by calling us at 630-932-9100 today.




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