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Divorcing Parents Often Wait until after the Holidays to File

 Posted on December 22, 2015 in Family Law

filing-for-divorceHolidays are a time for family and fond memories, which might give at least a partial explanation as to why many couples wait until after the holidays to announce a divorce. Indeed, studies suggest that the majority of couples who are planning to divorce end up adopting a peacekeeping arrangement and, instead of moving forward with an impending divorce, they behave as though everything is normal. Experts call it the calm before the storm.

“Divorce Month”

In 2012, an analysis of divorce filings across the United States was done. The conclusion was that divorces typically spike in January, right after the holidays, and then hit a peak in late March. This led to the researchers declaring March “Divorce Month,” which continues to remain the month in which most U.S. divorces are filed. To understand this trend, experts have considered a number of possible factors, namely cost.

Cost Considered a Factor

When couples visit an attorney’s office to file for divorce, they are typically required to pay a retainer fee. For some, this cost may be prohibitive, especially when taking holiday spending into account. In fact, many seem to prioritize gift-giving and spending time with family and friends, despite their relationship troubles. However, couples should be aware of the other obstacles that may await them if they choose to hold off on filing for divorce.

Time to Find an Attorney

Another factor that may be placing the peak month in March is that couples may wait until after the holidays to even start searching for their attorneys. They may also be using this time to sort through their options when it comes to how they should proceed. They might also be taking time to discuss important matters, such as child custody or alimony, in order to save a little money on the process. Lastly, they may struggle to retain the attorney of their choice within a reasonable time frame, due to the larger volume of divorce proceedings taking place after the holidays.

Cut Costs and Time with Alternative Dispute Resolution

Of course, you do not have to wait until after the holidays to start the divorce process. Alternate dispute resolution can be a good option for couples that are able to amicably discuss and resolve the particulars of their divorce. It can save both time and money, and it can help couples move forward with the process, even in the midst of the holiday season.

If you believe that you and your spouse are ready to enter into alternative dispute resolution, Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can help. Committed to protecting the interests of our clients, our experienced DuPage County divorce attorneys will do everything they can to help you achieve the best possible outcome. Get started today by scheduling your free initial consultation. Call 630-932-9100 today.



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