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Domestic Violence in Illinois

 Posted on June 12, 2013 in Family Law

People get divorced for various reasons, from growing apart from your spouse to having an affair. Regardless of the reason for the divorce, one spouse has to suggest the divorce without fear of a violent reaction. Sometimes, though, when someone is being abused by their spouse and they want out of the relationship, they are too afraid to suggest it.

LucyAccording to the Illinois State Police, 40% of total murders of women are women killed by their husbands. These are women who are more afraid to attempt at escaping their relationship than they are of the abuse they face if they stay in the relationship.

The Illinois State Police also reported that there is no particular race or socioeconomic level at which abuse of women is more common, it happens every day to women of all types. If you think that you are alone because you are of a certain economic level that is less abusive, or another group that is less abusive, you are wrong. It happens to everyone and you should not be embarrassed about it, there are other women just like you.

Statistics also show that the violence typically becomes worse over time, according to the police, who also stated that an apology for the abuse is not an unbreakable agreement that it will not happen again. It is important to get out in the beginning before the abuse continues and gets to be too much.

After studying many adult inmates, it has been shown that the majority of adults in prison were raised in violent homes and grew up learning that violence was normal. Do not let this happen to your children, get yourself and your children out safely now. Your Illinois divorce attorney can help you obtain an order of protection now.

Contact an Illinois divorce attorney in Lombard, Bloomingdale, and Naperville, Illinois for assistance to get out of your marriage and to safety. Attorneys at The Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices will assist you with your divorce case today.

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