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Drowsy Driving Crashes More Likely Away From Rest Stops

 Posted on July 03, 2018 in Personal Injury

Illinois car accidents, DuPage County car accident lawyer, motor vehicle collision, driver negligence, drowsy drivingIf you are planning a family road trip this summer that takes you away from DuPage County, it is important to consider the risks of a serious car accident while you are on the road. No one plans for a devastating motor vehicle collision, but they happen more often than most of us assume, and they frequently occur because of another driver’s negligence.

While negligence can take many forms, one of the more frequent reasons for crashes during extended road trips is drowsy driving. It is more difficult for a driver to stay alert—and to stay awake—behind the wheel after hours on the road without a break. According to a recent article in the Claims Journal, auto accidents caused by drowsy driving are more likely to occur farther away from rest stops.

Rest Areas Help to Prevent Fatigued Driving Crashes on Highways

When a driver has been on the road for an extended period of time and needs to take a quick break, rest stops offer an easy place to park and even to take a quick nap. Unsurprisingly, then, the article reports that fatigue-related crashes [are] more likely to occur when rest areas [are] within 20 miles or more from the crash site. This statistic suggests that rest stops really do make a difference when it comes to providing a place for drivers to deal with the fatigue they may be feeling behind the wheel.

Rest stops are beneficial to individual drivers and commercial truck drivers alike. Whether it is a parent behind the wheel on a long road trip with children in the back seat, or a commercial truck driver who has been on the road for a long period of time, the strategic placement of rest stops can help to reduce the rate of collisions. Indeed, when drivers sleep more and take additional breaks offered by rest stops, they may even be less likely to engage in distracted driving and other dangerous behaviors behind the wheel.

Tips for Planning a Safe Family Road Trip and Avoiding Car Accidents

If you are planning to be on the road this summer for a significant amount of time with your family, it is important to consider safety tips for summertime road trips. An article in Parents magazine offers some of the following safety tips for parents to consider:

  • Have your car tuned up before you get on the road, which means getting your tires checked for excessive wear and having a mechanic inspect your battery, belts, and fluids;
  • Have your oil changed to a higher viscosity for safe driving in warmer weather;
  • Get at least seven hours of sleep the night before you plan to drive;
  • Pack a vehicle emergency kit that includes water, flashlight, jumper cables, flares, tools, and a first aid kit;
  • Ensure that all family members wear sunblock—even in the car;
  • Check to make sure that child safety locks on the doors and windows are working properly;
  • Avoid slouching while you drive because it can make you drowsy;
  • Plan to break up your trip into multiple stops with rest breaks at least every two hours;
  • If possible, plan to share the driving with another adult; and
  • Avoid using your cell phone while you are driving, even if you have a hands-free Bluetooth option in your vehicle.

Contact a Lombard Auto Accident Lawyer

If someone you love was injured in a car accident, you should discuss your case with a talented DuPage County car accident lawyer as soon as possible. Contact Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices today.




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