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DUI Accidents Claim Three Lives Every Two Hours in America

 Posted on August 18, 2016 in Personal Injury

DUI-key-car-glass-suspension-license.jpgIf you feel like DUI accidents make headline news entirely too often, then you are not alone. Every two hours, three lives are lost because of drunk driving in America. Yet the problem persists. Lax laws regarding license suspension and revocation are at least partially to blame, but understanding the DUI problem in America is not quite that simple. There are other factors at play - some of which may not be known or understood at this point in time. But one thing is clear: something must be done to ensure victims receive the justice they deserve.

Protecting Yourself from a DUI Accident

While it is sad that victims must be the ones to take preventative measures to avoid a drunk driving accident, the pervasiveness of DUI accidents make avoidance precautions necessary. Reduce your risk of becoming a DUI crash victim by:

  • Avoid driving late at night (if you must drive, avoid two-lane highways and country roads);
  • Avoid driving during “drinking holidays” (Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Super Bowl weekend, St. Patrick’s Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, and the entire month of December);
  • Drive on the right side to protect yourself from being side-swiped by drifters;
  • Practice defensive driving;
  • Keep your car maintained (especially your tires) to give you the best chance to maneuvering out of a dangerous situation; and
  • While on the road, report suspicious behavior.

If an Accident Does Happen

Using preventative measures can help reduce your risk of being involved in a DUI accident, but it cannot remove the risk entirely. For this reason, drivers must also know what to do, should an accident occur. The first key step is to remain as calm as possible. Second, do not be surprised if the accident ends up being a hit-and-run.

Sometimes afraid of the consequences of being caught behind the wheel, other times too intoxicated to fully register that they have caused an accident, DUI drivers often leave the scene. Remember, stay calm and try your best to collect information about the car (color, model, plate number, and any distinguishing features) and call the police. Do not leave the scene yourself, do not try to move if you suspect you may be injured, and make sure you receive medical attention.

In the days and weeks following the accident, it is critical that you seek skilled legal assistance. This is especially true when you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident, or if the drunken driver did not have insurance or an active driver’s license. Backed by decades of experience, Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can assert your right to fair compensation for your injuries. We also offer legal advocacy and aggressive representation for the families who have lost a loved one because of a DUI accident. Get the skilled legal assistance you need. Call our DuPage County DUI accident attorneys at 630-932-9100 and schedule your free initial consultation today.

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