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Elderly Crashed into Lincoln Park Apple Store

 Posted on February 02, 2013 in Personal Injury

A picturesque scene of water, land and buildings can charm any visitor to stay at Lincoln Park, Chicago, Illinois. Known for diverse restaurants, theaters, entertainment and cultural institutions make it a one-stop experience for outdoors to exquisite experiences galore. So imagine to your horror, a car smashing into a storefront on a nice, chilly Sunday evening. On Sunday, January 13th, 2013, at 6:30 p.m., reports of a dark Lincoln Town car driven by an elderly person crashed into the Lincoln Park Apple Store in Chicago, Illinois. The driver apparently lost control of the car and finally stopped five feet into the store after destroying the windows and items in the store. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt though paramedics were called to take someone to hospital after the event. No reports of robbery intentions – just a pure accident. This leads to asking the question: should there be stricter laws and consequences for elderly people who do not have the capacity to drive safely anymore? Yes, they have the right to drive, but if they are posing harm to themselves and others, is it the best interest to have them drive? To answer these questions, the state of Illinois put into place ways to respect our elderly AND make sure they are checked out to be safe. It starts at age 81 to 86 where they are required to renew their driver's license every two years. After 87 years of age they must renew it every year. Along with renewal, after the age of 75 road tests are mandatory with the renewal process, and they must do in person. This is to safeguard the elderly individual and others on the road. If you are a victim of a elderly traffic accident or have been the cause of one, please contact a DuPage lawyer who can explain your rights, fight for you and be supportive.
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