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Family of Drown Boy Seeks Compensation from Park District

 Posted on June 12, 2013 in Personal Injury

As the summer months are set to begin, kids are beginning to ask to go swimming. While the neighborhood pool is a fun summer retreat, it poses certain dangers as well. For one family in the suburb of Glenview, those risks became very real. Vincente Emmanuel Cardenas was in the care of Wesley Child Care Center for summer camp in 2012. On June 15th, a total of eight day care teachers took 19 kids to the Roosevelt Pool. One of the children noticed Cardenas at the bottom of the pool and alerted the lifeguards on duty. Although the attendants were quick to the scene, they were not in time to revive the four year old. For two months local authorities investigated the incident. The conclusion brought no criminal charges against anyone involved in the drowning death. The Department of Children and Family Services also held a three month long examination but did not revoke the license of the Roosevelt Pool. But the center did take measures to ensure safety for future campers by cancelling trips to the pool for kids between the ages of two to 5 years old. A wrongful death suit looks to right wrongs that the judicial process may miss, and can ease the pain and suffering felt by a family who loses a child . On May 30th, the Cardenas family filed a five-part complaint against the Child Care Center, the Glenview Park District and the Village of Glenview. They are claiming that the Park District knew that Cardenas required special attention due to a hyperactivity disorder and inexperience with swimming. The safety of the pool and the care of the day care center's teacher are in question in the lawsuit, especially since children are entrusted to the care of these responsible parties. If one of your loved ones has been injured from the negligence of someone else, it is important to contact a practiced personal injury attorney in Lombard.
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