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Five Common Types of Nursing Home Abuse

 Posted on September 09, 2022 in Personal Injury

DuPage County nursing home abuse lawyerResearch suggests that almost half of everyone who turns 65 after the year 1990 will live in a nursing home at some point before their death. Unfortunately, the research on the prevalence of nursing home abuse and neglect also suggests that these are very common, especially for older adults who have limitations on cognitive and physical functioning (such as Alzheimer’s disease or mobility issues).

If you have a loved one in an Illinois nursing home, it is especially important to be on the lookout for the following signs of abuse if he or she is highly dependent on staff for their daily needs. If you notice any of these apply to your loved one, contact an Illinois personal injury attorney right away.

Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Abuse comes in many forms, and it is important to be aware of the types of abuse that commonly occur in nursing homes. These include:

  • Emotional or psychological abuse - If your loved one is showing new symptoms of depression or withdrawal, has frequent crying episodes, complains of being poorly treated, or seems fearful and anxious, they may be suffering from emotional abuse. It can be particularly difficult to separate symptoms of emotional abuse from symptoms of brain diseases, so it is important to pay close attention and know your loved one well.
  • Physical abuse - Perhaps one of the easier forms of abuse to identify, your loved one may be suffering from physical abuse if they display strange, inexplicable cuts, bruises, broken or fractured bones, or symptoms of medication errors. Injuries from slipping, tripping, or falling can also be signs that they are not getting the support they need.
  • Financial abuse - Elderly people who are not in full control of their finances are at a heightened risk of being financially taken advantage of. Signs of financial abuse include sudden changes in spending habits, unpaid bills, strange credit card charges, suspicious bank transfers, or missing belongings.
  • Sexual abuse - If your loved one has developed a sexually transmitted disease, has bloody underwear, bruises, or strange injuries around the genitals, suffers from a new pelvic injury, or has trouble walking, they may be suffering from sexual abuse.
  • Neglect - While neglecting a nursing home resident may not be as deliberate as other types of abuse, it is abuse nevertheless. If you notice your loved one has dirty clothes, sheets, and other belongings, is developing bed sores, suffers from sudden and unusual weight loss or dehydration, or smells bad and has unclean teeth, they may be being neglected.

Contact a Lombard, IL Nursing Home Abuse Attorney

The idea that anyone could take advantage of a helpless elderly victim is horrific to contemplate, yet it happens every day in nursing homes across Illinois. If you suspect your loved one is falling victim to abuse or neglect, do not wait to take action. Contact the Naperville, IL nursing home abuse attorneys with Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices today. We offer free, no-pressure consultations so you can learn more about your options and how we manage our cases. Call 630-932-9100 today.




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