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Five Signs of Traumatic Brain Injuries After an Illinois Car Accident

 Posted on February 10, 2022 in Personal Injury

DuPage County car crash injury lawyerOver 30,000 people are killed in car accidents in the U.S. every year. Although the overall trend of car accident fatalities seems to be trending downward, car accidents are still tragically common in Illinois. Even for those who survive serious car accidents, the impact can be devastating. Traumatic head injuries are a common result of car accidents and these injuries can have a major long-term impact on a victim’s health, life enjoyment, employment prospects, and medical needs. If you have been injured in an Illinois car accident, you may need the help of an experienced Illinois personal injury attorney.

Common Brain Injuries from Illinois Car Accidents

Brain injuries can be extremely serious, and victims of car accidents should seek medical attention as soon as they realize their head may have been hurt. Some of the most common brain injuries from car accidents include, but are not limited to:

  • Concussions - One of the most common types of brain injuries, a concussion can occur even when nothing comes into contact with the head. Sudden stops and changes in movement are often enough to cause a concussion. Although concussions may cause loss of consciousness right away, they can also later cause dizziness, confusion, and persistent exhaustion.
  • Contusions - Brain contusions, or bruising of the brain, can require urgent surgical treatment. Contusions can cause blood clots, difficulty speaking or remembering things, and changes in personality.
  • Object penetration - When something comes into direct contact with the head during a car accident, bleeding is often profuse. While object penetration has the advantage of being one of the most easily recognizable injuries, it can also be one of the most serious.

Signs of a Traumatic Brain Injury

People who suffer brain injuries in car accidents are sometimes so full of adrenaline that they may be unaware that there has been damage to their head. Symptoms can show up days, weeks, or even months later. While the best person to diagnose and treat a traumatic brain injury is a medical specialist, there are certain indications that a traumatic brain injury has happened. These include:

  • Persistent headaches
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Seizures and convulsions
  • Pupil dilation
  • Difficulties falling asleep or waking up

Contact a Lombard Car Accident Lawyer

The long-term consequences of traumatic brain injuries resulting from car accidents can be expensive and seriously impact your life quality. If you were injured in a car accident, consider speaking with a skilled Lombard, IL car accident attorney with Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. We offer free case reviews so you can better understand your options. Call us today to schedule your consultation at 630-932-9100.




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