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Five Steps You Should Take After an Illinois Motorcycle Accident

 Posted on October 03, 2019 in Personal Injury

Naperville motorcycle accident injury lawyer

Getting into a traffic accident can be a frightening experience. For people who are in enclosed vehicles, such as cars or trucks, accidents can still be alarming, but for those who are involved in accidents when they are on a motorcycle, the injuries can be much more serious and even deadly. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 5,000 motorcyclists were killed in traffic crashes in 2017. In Illinois alone, approximately 160 motorcyclists were killed and more than 2,500 were injured in crashes in 2017. Motorcycles pose an inherent danger to riders because of the lack of protection the vehicle provides compared to other vehicles. If you have suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident, here are a few steps you should take immediately following the crash:

  1. Check Yourself for Injuries and Call 911 if Needed

It is not uncommon for the adrenaline rush you experience after an accident to mask the pain of any injuries you have sustained. You should try to check yourself for any obvious injuries, even if you do not feel them. If you or anyone else are clearly injured and in need of help, you must call 911. Even if nobody is seriously injured, you should still call the police to the scene so an official police report can be filed.

  1. Take Photos of the Crash Scene

Photos can be the most powerful tool in gaining compensation through an insurance company or from a negligent driver. Before you move your bike, you should take photos of the scene of the accident. Take pictures of any damage to your bike, the other vehicle, the road, and the scene as a whole.

  1. Move Your Bike Out of the Way

After you have taken plenty of photographs, you will want to move your motorcycle if it is in the middle of the road or obstructing traffic. Leaving your bike on the road could increase the chances that another vehicle might crash into you.

  1. Determine if There Were Any Witnesses to the Accident

If you can, try to gather the contact information of any witnesses who observed the collision. Get their names and phone numbers so you can call them at a later date if needed. Ask the witnesses what they saw and write down a few notes.

  1. Contact a DuPage County Personal Injury Attorney

Getting into a traffic accident, especially if you are a motorcyclist, can be a traumatizing experience. If you have been injured in a motorcycle crash, you may incur costly medical bills for which you need compensation. That is why it is important to contact a Bloomingdale, IL motorcycle accident lawyer before you contact your insurance company. At the Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we can guide you through the negotiations with your insurance company, and we can also help you hold the responsible driver liable for the collision. Call our office today at 630-932-9100 to schedule a free consultation.

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