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Four Tips for Fathers in Illinois Preparing For a Custody Hearing 

 Posted on December 02, 2021 in Family Law

shutterstock_450844792-min.jpgFathers facing custody hearings in Illinois are often nervous - and understandably so. When you are asking the court to spend time with your children, it can feel like so much is at stake. Whether your hearing is to determine parenting time or allocation of parental responsibilities, whether it takes place during divorce or a parenting agreement modification, here are four tips that can help you prepare.

Present Your Best Self

Although the old adage telling us not to judge a book by its cover may be helpful in some circumstances, a family court is not the place to push boundaries. Play it safe and look sharp: wear clean clothes, style your hair neatly, and demonstrate with your appearance that you care about the outcome of this case.

Prepare Documents and Witnesses

Necessary documents that prove your relationship with your child, like phone logs, report cards, and photographs, should be gathered and organized well before your hearing. They should be easily accessible so you are not left scrambling on the morning of the hearing - or worse, during the hearing itself. Furthermore, if you are calling any witnesses to testify, you should compile an easy-to-read witness list with the contact information of each individual.

Tell the Truth

It can be tempting to make yourself look like a better parent than you have been. However, even dishonesties that feel like little white lies can come back to haunt you. If you have made mistakes, admit it. If you could do better in certain areas, showing self-awareness and an interest in improving can help rather than hurt your case. This includes being honest with your attorney and allowing them to represent your true situation.

Keep Your Child’s Best Interests at Heart

Remember that the whole purpose of requesting time with your child is because you think it will be in their best interests. Express your concern for your child, show empathy, and never do anything that makes it appear as though you are trying to get revenge on your ex or keep your child away from them. Courts want children to have positive relationships with both parents and take that into consideration when making custody decisions.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a DuPage County Parenting Time Lawyer

Getting ready to stand before a judge in a hearing where you will request greater access to your child can be a very tense experience. The skilled Lombard, IL parenting time attorneys with Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices have helped many parents successfully petition for more time with their child, and we may be able to help you, too. We have decades of legal experience in the Illinois court system and we can help you prepare for your hearing so you feel confident and informed. Call our offices today to schedule a free consultation at 630-932-9100.

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