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Gas Explosions: A Real Danger

 Posted on February 04, 2016 in Personal Injury

DuPage County personal injury attorneys, gas explosionsGas grills and homes remain high risks for leaks and faulty mechanisms. Many factors can cause a fiery and fatal destruction. Moreover, victims of gas explosions can suffer catastrophic burn injuries and face a lifetime of healing and disfigurement.

In 2014 there were over 700 gas pipeline incidents reported, which resulted in 18 fatalities, close to one hundred injuries, and caused property damage amounting to over $300 million dollars.

Not a Rare Occurrence

What seems like a significant but infrequent event, gas explosions actually happen more than one might think. Over the last few years, reports of significant explosions have often appeared in news headlines. Whether it be a residential explosion or one occurring in a commercial situation, or even in a public place, the consequences can be deadly and/or cause significant property damage.

Gas Lines and Potential Hazards

Gas lines can be categorized in three different ways. “Gathering” lines are those that come from a production facility; a “Main” line serves as a common sources for a “Service” line, which is usually the line out to a customer’s residence.

Several different scenarios can be a breeding ground for potential hazardous situations including households using natural gas or propane gas tanks. Often, a negligent component exists which may include code violations such as improper installation and connection, fraudulent inspection reports, defective products, or inadequate ventilation.

How a Gas Leak Occurs

First, a gas leak has to occur. Next, it must be exposed to an ignition source. Aging pipelines that are not serviced regularly are considered a ticking time bomb by many. Additionally, a line could rupture due to deterioration. Or, an extenuating factor, such as construction workers hitting a line or natural disasters, can impact pipelines.

Sadly, omitting the odor that is added to the gas to enable it being detected is a negligent act that may also contribute to a leak not being sensed and then consequently being ignited and resulting in an explosion.

Legal Assistance

In an extreme catastrophic incident such as a gas explosion, fatalities are common. However, so are very serious injuries. These injuries can include thermal/burn injuries which may entail lengthy and involved medical costs. Therefore, experienced legal counsel is vital.

If negligence proves to be part of the equation that led to an explosion, damage, or injury, compensation may be recovered to help in the road to recovery. Please contact the experienced DuPage County personal injury attorneys today for a free consultation to assess your case. The attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices have the knowledge in this area of litigation and will strive to help you and recover the maximum possible for the pain and suffering, lost wages, and medical or funeral expenses.



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