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Grey Divorce Becoming More Common

 Posted on January 11, 2016 in Family Law

grey divorce, DuPage County divorce attorneysAmong most age groups, divorce rates have begun to level out. However, statistics show there has been an increase of late-life divorces, otherwise known as ‘grey’ or ‘silver’ divorces. Of course, divorce can happen at any age, and after any number of years of marriage, but experts believe there may be some unique factors contributing to the recent incline of divorces among those nearing or already of retirement age.

Children Have Left the Nest

Even today, many couples continue to stay together for their children. But what happens when the children have all grown up and you are still unhappy or unfulfilled? For many, the answer is to finally seek out that divorce. Of course, even adult children often want their parents to stay together. However, most “happy enough” but unfulfilled people feel their children no longer have any influence when it comes to making a decision about their relationship.

Older Couples Have More Time Together

Most couples dreamed of the day that their children would grow up, imagining all the things they would do together and all the alone time they would have to spend together. However, many find that they have come out of raising children as two very different people. Without the distraction that children offer, they are essentially forced to examine what those differences might mean for their future as a couple. For some, it becomes a new adventure, a chance to reintroduce themselves to one another. To others, it may no longer be worth the effort.

Longer Life Expectancy

A lot of marriages grow stagnant. They are not ugly or horrible, but they may no longer be satisfying, experts say. Pair this with longer life expectancy, and many are left to question if they should (or even want to) endure another 20, 30, or 40 years in an unfulfilling marriage. For some, the answer is a simple but resounding “no.”

Women More Financially Independent, Even Later in Life

While women still typically earn less than men, even when it comes to social security income, many are still actively working at 50, 60, or even 70. This gives them more financial independence than they might have had just mere decades ago. With more assets of their own, they feel more capable of setting out on their own to pursue any unrealized or incomplete goals, dreams, wishes, or ambitions.

Filing for Divorce? Hire an Experienced Divorce Attorney

Because they are in a very different place than younger couples, older couples often face unique issues when pursuing a divorce. Ensure these matters are adequately addressed by contacting the experienced DuPage County divorce attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. With more than 200 years of combined experience, we can provide you with quality advice and effective advocacy throughout the entire divorce process. Receive your free initial consultation by calling 630-932-9100 today.



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