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Holiday Safety: Preventing Halloween Hazards

 Posted on October 30, 2014 in Personal Injury

October's holiday theme traditionally includes scares and spooky characters, and many children of all ages come out Halloween night to enjoy the festivities. However, with so many people—children, teens, parents and pets—out on the street to partake in the holiday, some safety concerns are warranted and worth addressing in order to keep everyone safe on Halloween.

Pedestrian Dangers

Parents often worry about dangers their children may face when trick or treating. Talking to strangers or receiving tainted candy are just a few of the concerns parents may have as children venture out on Halloween night. However, a recently published article suggests there may be more realistic, and more common, dangers in which to worry. Specifically, those who are out and about on the night of October 31st are generally at greater risk of being involved in a collision with a vehicle than encountering any of the other dangers previously mentioned.

It is a disturbing fact that Halloween is generally the deadliest day of the year for young pedestrians. Noted by State Farm, on average, twice as many young pedestrian fatalities occur on Halloween than any other day of the year. Children in the age range of 12 to 18 years old are known to be most at risk for these types of accidents. They are more likely to be out walking the streets without having parents present and are more distracted by friends and their cell phones.

Driver Safety

Drivers, too, need to be extra cautious when traveling on Halloween night. They should take extra care and avoid using their own cell phones or partaking in any other activity that would distract their attention from the road. Also, it is recommended that drivers keep their headlights on, even during the day, so they are more visible to children.

Another major concern that is particularly warranted on Halloween is the presence of drunk drivers on the road. According to the National Highway Safety Administration, adults also enjoy celebrating the holiday and many see it as an occasion to drink. Typically, the fatal crash rate involving drunk drivers comprises about 30 percent, yet the rate increases to nearly 50 percent on Halloween. Additionally, almost 20 percent of Halloween pedestrian fatalities involve a drunk driver.

Accident Injury Attorney

This Halloween, please be careful if you intend to be out on the road. Designate a driver or plan for a taxi if you will be drinking. If involved in an accident, do not hesitate to consult with the experienced Illinois personal injury attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. Contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss your case. We have successful experience representing clients in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, Kendall and Will County.

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