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Head-On Collisions Still Costing Lives

 Posted on May 12, 2016 in Personal Injury

Illinois-head-on-collisions.jpgCar accidents occur daily, and some of the most deadly accidents are head-on collisions. These types of collisions can be caused in a variety of ways. Speed is usually the top offender, in addition to accidents caused by drivers who are drunk, drivers who are under the influence of drugs, or drivers who are distracted. The resulting impact on the loved ones left behind can be devastating.

Additionally, if someone is lucky enough to even survive a head-on collision, the ongoing care and convalescence involved can be lengthy and costly. Almost 100 fatal injuries occurred in Illinois in 2012 due to head on collisions.

Head-on Collisions

Head-on collisions account for roughly 10 percent of driving fatalities and usually occur because of another driver’s unintentional maneuver on the road. Unintentional maneuvers can occur when a driver is being reckless, speeding, fatigued, distracted, or is driving too fast for the road pattern or weather conditions. Even drunk drivers or those under the influence of drugs can contribute to this deadly type of motor vehicle accident. This negligence and recklessness creates a huge risk and does not bode well for law abiding, safe drivers and their innocent passengers when sharing the road.

Common Injuries Sustained and What Can be Done

The most common types of injuries that can result from a head-on collision include the following:

  • Spinal injuries;
  • Brain injuries;
  • Catastrophic injuries;
  • Broken bones; and
  • Paralysis.

There is no replacement for the abundance of caution drivers should take by making safe, legal, and courteous moves. However, what cannot be controlled are the actions of others. Transportation departments should consider safer designs and engineering procedures—certain measures can be taken to improve road conditions and decrease the frequency of head-on collisions by reducing the chances of a vehicle crossing into the opposite lane. Safer designs and engineering procedures include:

  • Eliminating sharp curves, especially those on a blind corner;
  • Improving highway design using elevation or widening the space available to drivers;
  • Creating more visible road markings;
  • Designing skid-resistant pavement surfaces;
  • Improving shoulders to provide a safer space; and
  • Adding rumble strips to slow vehicles on approaches to hazardous locations.

Speak with a Skilled Illinois Car Accident Attorney Today

If you or a loved one has been an innocent victim of a head-on collision, it is important to speak with a knowledgeable DuPage County car accident attorney at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. Our attorneys have the experience, compassion, and drive to fight for what is in your best interests. For the survivors, the road to recovery can be emotionally and financially difficult. For those who have lost their lives, the loss and pain for surviving family members is a lifelong journey. Please call us today to schedule your free consultation and explore what legal rights you may be able to pursue.





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