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Heavy Loads Lead to Truck Accidents

 Posted on March 04, 2016 in Personal Injury

DuPage County personal injury attorneys, truck accidentsTrucks are often regarded as a menacing presence on our roads and highways. Cars feel minuscule in comparison and drivers often feel weary of driving near them—concerns that are not without merit.

Truck accidents occur frequently and the outcomes can be deadly, especially given the speeds involved on highways. In 2012, there were 3,921 people killed and 104,000 people injured in crashes involving large trucks. What exacerbates the issue is when trucks are overweight or overloaded.

Businesses across the country are competing for their share of the market. With so much commerce now originating online, the traffic flow of goods now takes up a significant amount of what is being transported on our roads. This demand can pressure distributors to cut corners to meet demands and deadlines, and trucks can be loaded well beyond capacity.

Illinois does, however, have maximum gross weight limit for trucks. Additionally, Illinois abides by the "Bridge Formula Weights Calculator,” where there is an 80,000 pound gross vehicle weight limit for semi-trailers, tractor and trailers.

The Danger

Uneven and overloaded trucks are not a new phenomenon but remain a constant danger to other vehicles sharing the road. Importantly, serious accidents involving trucks do not only occur on highways and freeways. The majority of truck accidents actually occur on major roads in towns across Chicago—roads where your families and loved ones travel daily.

Due to a truck's size, driving with an uneven or overweight load means that any kink on the road, or sudden maneuver by the driver, can be catastrophic. The fallout from just one truck can cause a ripple effect and lead to several injuries. Factors which put cars, drivers, and passengers in a risky position at any given time include:

  • Rollovers: when a truck maneuvers and has an overweight load;
  • A truck's size: the size of a truck leads to having large blind spots and therefore makes cars “invisible”;
  • Wide turns: maneuvers which increase the risk of accidents; and
  • Driver fatigue, poor vehicle maintenance, road and weather conditions, and improper loading.

Finding a Compassionate Attorney

Accidents involving trucks stem from their size, weight, and the additional stopping distances and clearance a truck requires. If intentionally overloaded, the negligence is inexcusable. Therefore, people traveling in cars should always be mindful to maintain a safe distance from trucks. However, if an accident does occur, and accident victims are fortunate to survive the crash, drivers and passengers are usually left recovering from broken bones, cuts and deep lacerations, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries and amputations. Because truck drivers have their cabs, together with their height and size, this often shields them from greater harm.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident as a result of someone else's negligence, you should first contact a legal team with experience handling personal injury cases—a team which understands the intricacies of litigating truck accident cases and the special investigative processes involved, including obtaining crash reports from a certified truck inspector. Retaining an experienced legal team puts you in a strong position for success. Please contact the skilled DuPage County personal injury attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices today to schedule your free initial consultation.

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