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Holiday Drinking and Driving

 Posted on December 15, 2016 in Personal Injury

holiday drinking, DuPage County personal injury lawyerThe holiday season is in full swing and the New Year is almost upon us. While invitations for get-togethers and celebrations are flowing, soon will be the drinks. From eggnog to top shelf spirits, enjoying alcohol responsibly is important for your safety and for those around you. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 47 percent of Illinois motor vehicle fatalities involve alcohol.

Even though it is easier than ever to hire a designated driver, rideshare, or taxi cab, people still decide to get behind the wheel after they have been drinking. This puts their lives, as well as innocent people around them, at risk of injury or death.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident where drunk driving is suspected on the part of the other driver, retaining the services of an experienced personal injury attorney is advisable. A legal team can support you, and has the resources and tools to investigate fully and seek the best result for you. If you received serious injuries, medical care can be costly and lengthy and the mental anguish can linger for years to come.

Deadly Holidays

The time period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day includes some of the most dangerous days for drunk driving deaths. Christmas and New Year combined accounted for 259 lives lost in drunk driving crashes in 2015. This notorious season has the National Highway and Transportation Safety Administration kicking off the holiday season with an advertising campaign blitz to promote safe driving.

The Department of Transportation also announced funding to support new technology to prevent drivers from getting behind the wheel with elevated blood alcohol levels that exceed the legal limits. This technology, known as DADSS (Driver Alcohol Detection Systems and Safety), is being developed in conjunction with auto-makers to prevent a vehicle from starting up if the technology detects an excessive blood alcohol level.

Until then, drivers need to heed the warnings and use common sense. With technology, comes savvy cell phone users who can arrange a safe ride home. Mobile phone “apps” can help you to easily navigate transportation for a ride home after a night of celebrating—it is all our responsibilities to help keep our roads safe.

Compassionate Legal Counsel

Being involved in a serious car accident can mean long lasting injuries and pain and suffering. A compassionate legal team is your best resource for recovery. With 3 convenient locations throughout DuPage County, the compassionate Illinois personal attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices will vigorously fight on your behalf to win compensation to aid in your recovery. Insurance costs and coverage can vary. Therefore it is wise to use the wealth of knowledge your personal injury attorney will possess to fight for your rights to compensation for your injuries.

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