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Holidays and Custody

 Posted on November 30, 2012 in Family Law

holiday-divorceFor many people, the holiday season means less stress and spending time with your family, but for divorced couples with children, it might be anything but easy. The same goes for separated parents who are considering divorce. Both parents, of course, want to spend the holidays with their children, but it is not usually possible after a divorce. The Huffington Post did a story about this issue for their divorce section.

For divorced parents, this is something they have to get used to for their children's sake. If a holiday without children is tough for a parent, a holiday without a parent is even harder for a child. This does not, however, mean that it is not possible to make new, happy holiday memories.

It is all a matter of planning ahead and communicating with the other parent, so that there are no misunderstandings. If a divorce has a high level of conflict, courts may decide where children will spend their holidays when custody is decided on.

Other options include alternating holidays on an annual basis. This will mean that both parents will have some holidays, and the following year, they will have the holidays they missed the previous year.

There a numerous issues you will be facing when you are separated or going through a divorce, and you have children. Amidst all that stress, it is smart to get a divorce attorney who is experienced. They have seen it all before, and they know how to handle your case best. If you are planning on filing for divorce or going through one, contact our Illinois offices for a knowledgeable divorce attorney.

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