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Hoverboards May Cause a Wave of Product Liability Lawsuits

 Posted on January 04, 2016 in Personal Injury

DuPage County product liability attorneys, product liability lawsuitsHoverboards turned out to be one of the hottest gifts this holiday season; however, some new owners are experiencing a heavy sense of buyer’s remorse after their new toys unexpectedly caught fire. With more and more reports of such incidents pouring in, these items are now expected to cause a wave of product liability lawsuits.

Nearly Two Dozen Fires Already Reported

According to Fox News, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is already investigating 22 reports of hoverboard fires. Two of those cases have already resulted in pending lawsuits—one in Alabama and one New York. In response to those fires, the CPSC has issued a broad warning to consumers regarding the potential for fire, and airlines have banned the scooters because of their potential safety risk.

Early Reports Indicate All Brands at Risk

At this time, it seems that the fire risk is found across all brands of hoverboards. Pending lawsuits include one purchased from a mall kiosk and one made by the company Swagway. The problem seems to stem from cheap lithium ion batteries used to power the boards. Some boards have caught fire while charging and others have done so for unknown or unapparent reasons.

What Can You Expect in Filing a Hoverboard Lawsuit?

While injuries sustained while simply using the hoverboards are typically considered a risk of use, those that experience fires can, at the very least, attempt to receive a refund for their purchase. If losses outside of the board itself exist, owners have the right to seek compensation for any injuries, lost wages, or damage to property.

It is important to note that many of the manufacturers are in China, which can create additional procedural hoops in pursuing your claim. Additionally, it is extremely likely that hoverboard companies will choose to fight back, creating additional obstacles for those pursuing compensation. Thankfully, there is help for those that have suffered loss or injury because of a hoverboard fire.

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we are committed to representing victims injured by dangerous or defective products. Knowledgeable and experienced in the complex litigation processes involved, we work tirelessly to identify the relationship between your injuries and the negligent actions of manufacturers. Once the case is built, we take an aggressive approach to ensuring your rights and best interest are protected. Learn more by scheduling a free initial consultation with our DuPage County product liability attorneys. Call 630-932-9100 today.



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