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How Can a Drowsy Driver Cause a Car Accident in Illinois?

 Posted on December 20, 2019 in Personal Injury

Naperville car accident lawyer driver fatigueIn this day and age of advanced technology, there has been an emphasis placed on our well-being. Safe driving measures, specifically, have been of great interest to both federal and state governments across the country. One of the most notorious dangerous driving behaviors that causes thousands of car accidents each year is operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Increased focus has also been placed on other reckless behaviors, such as distracted driving and speeding. Recently, however, a trend of drowsy/fatigued driving has been scrutinized as an additional form of unsafe driving.

What Is Drowsy Driving?

Simply put, drowsy driving occurs when a person gets behind the wheel of a car when they are tired. Although everyone experiences fatigue differently, it is always considered unsafe to drive a vehicle if you are sleepy. Not all drowsy drivers will fall asleep at the wheel, but the likelihood of an accident does increase. If you are driving while you are tired, your senses are not as alert, your brain functions a little slower, and you could end up in a serious accident.

How Big of an Issue Is Drowsy Driving?

An alarming 60 percent of drivers have reported that they have operated a vehicle while feeling sleepy. Even more concerning, over 40 percent of drivers have admitted to “nodding off” or falling asleep while driving at some point throughout their driving history. According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were an estimated 91,000 traffic crashes involving drowsy driving in 2017. These numbers are likely much higher than reported because of the lack of knowledge and ability to measure this behavior.

Dealing with a Drowsy Driver Accident

The fact of the matter is that while drowsy driving is dangerous, it is also entirely preventable. There is no excuse for putting yourself and others at risk by driving when you are sleepy. Because of this, a driver who was determined to be sleepy at the time of a traffic accident can be held responsible for damages caused by the crash. Similar to driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI), drowsy driving is a form of impairment and can be considered a negligent act on the driver’s part.

Contact a Lombard, IL Car Accident Attorney

Though it may not seem like it is on the same level as operating a vehicle while drunk or distracted, drowsy driving can be extremely dangerous. If you have been in a car accident involving a fatigued motorist, you need to contact a skilled DuPage County personal injury lawyer immediately. Drowsy driving is always preventable, which means you may be able to hold the other driver accountable for damages. At the Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we can help you pursue all avenues of receiving compensation. Call our office today at 630-932-9100 to schedule a free consultation.

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