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How Can an Uncontested Divorce Be Beneficial in Illinois?

 Posted on December 20, 2019 in Family Law

Naperville uncontested divorce lawyerThe divorce journey is just as much a psychological process as it is a legal one. Interactions between both parties are often emotionally charged, no matter how amicable the decision to end the marriage may be. If you are fortunate enough to be on good terms with your spouse as you proceed with your divorce, you can have some significant advantages as you move forward with the experience. Ending a marriage is always painful to some degree and is certainly never easy, but an uncontested divorce under any circumstances is always preferable over a contested one.

Divorcing Amicably

In an uncontested divorce, both parties are cooperative, and neither is resisting or fighting against the dissolution of marriage. There are no major disagreements, and any arguments that do arise are typically easy to resolve, since each spouse is concerned with making decisions that support the best interests of both parties. If you are able to find and keep some common ground with your spouse as you begin the divorce proceedings, you may discover the following advantages:

  • You can maintain the peace - Divorce by its very nature takes a toll on our mental health. The American Psychological Association (APA) stresses that it is more important than ever during such a divorce transition to take care of yourself by getting enough rest, eating nutritiously, and utilizing your support systems. Uncontested divorce cases that involve cooperation and peaceful mediation can be less stressful in both the short and long term. Maintaining the peace pays off even more so when children are involved.

  • You can streamline the legal process - Another aspect of the divorce process that tends to turn messy in an uncontested divorce are the legalities. Negotiations and settlement disputes between spouses can be difficult to handle for some couples. Those willing and capable of remaining amicable usually experience a much smoother legal process during the divorce, as there are no major conflicts surrounding important issues such as parenting time, the division of assets, or alimony. When both parties are on the same page and are able to work together, there are fewer delays with negotiations and paperwork.

  • You can encourage a healthier post-divorce transition - Psychology experts assert that an uncontested divorce can actually help improve the relationship with your ex-spouse and with your family as a whole. Even spouses who are at peace with one another may experience an emotional strain, as grieving the loss of a marriage and a loving partnership is inevitably hurtful. Whatever your situation may be, you can benefit from collaborating and working as a team during the divorce. By jointly drawing on collective resources such as support groups, family and friends, psychologists, and other professionals, such as financial advisors, you and your spouse can work together to build a healthy foundation for the future.

Contact a Bloomingdale Divorce Lawyer

As much as you might want to remain amicable with your spouse during your divorce and hope for a mutual, peaceful resolution, this is not always realistic or tangible. For some couples, especially those experiencing a high level of conflict with key issues, an uncontested divorce is simply not an option. Whichever scenario you find yourself in, it is imperative to have a skilled, knowledgeable DuPage County property and asset division attorney by your side to help you navigate the ins and outs of the legal process. Call us at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices at 630-932-9100 and schedule a free consultation today.



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