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How Can I Protect My Child From Being Injured in an Illinois Car Accident?

 Posted on March 12, 2020 in Personal Injury

Bloomingdale car accident attorney

Car accidents are dangerous for drivers and passengers. Both adults and children alike can suffer serious injuries in a collision. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of death among children in the United States. Even children who do not die in car accidents can sustain significant injuries. The CDC reports that nearly 116,000 children suffered injuries from motor vehicle accidents in 2017. There is no way that you can know when an automobile crash is going to happen, but in the event your child is injured in a crash, contacting an experienced personal injury lawyer right away is key to seeking compensation for any damages.

The Importance of Car Seat Safety

The best way to protect your child when riding in a vehicle is to make sure he or she is restrained in an appropriate car seat. Illinois has laws that require children to be restrained in a certain way depending on their age, weight, and height. Children who are under the age of 2 years old should be secured in a rear-facing car seat until they are at least 40 pounds or 40 inches tall. After they outgrow a rear-facing car seat, they can transition to a forward-facing seat that has an internal harness system. Children should never be placed in the front seat, especially if they are in a rear-facing car seat.

The Aftermath of an Accident With Your Child

Getting into a car accident with your child can be a frightening experience. Immediately after the crash, you should call 911 if you are able to do so. If you are not severely injured, you should check your child to see if he or she has any immediately noticeable injuries. Assessing a child after a car accident can be difficult, because a younger child may not be able to communicate how he or she is feeling. You should have a medical professional examine your child, even if injuries are not readily apparent.

Children, in particular, are susceptible to head and neck injuries in car accidents. If your child was hurt in a vehicle collision, you have the right to pursue compensation for his or her injuries. This is where help from a car accident injury lawyer is crucial. Your lawyer will be able to help you determine who is at fault for the accident and pursue compensation from the appropriate party.

Contact a Naperville Personal Injury Attorney

Nearly every state has laws enacted on properly securing your child when he or she is riding in the car. Even though these laws are meant to protect your child from injury in the case of an accident, there is still a possibility that he or she can be injured. If you or your child has suffered an injury from an automobile collision, you need to speak with a skilled DuPage County car accident lawyer as soon as possible. The accomplished legal team at the Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can help you pursue all avenues of compensation after a car crash. Call our office today at 630-791-5638 to schedule a free consultation.

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