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How Can I Pursue Compensation for a Head-On Collision in Illinois?

 Posted on February 28, 2020 in Personal Injury

Bloomingdale head-on collision accident attorneyAny kind of car accident has the potential to be dangerous, resulting in serious injuries to those involved. Head-on collisions, however, tend to be some of the most traumatic types of vehicle crashes. In these cases, the force of the impact can cause significant damage to the vehicles and serious or fatal injuries to drivers and passengers. Pursuing compensation after a head-on collision is usually fairly straightforward because of the nature of the accident. However, an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you make sure you are fully compensated for your damages.

Causes of Head-On Crashes

Car accidents can vary in severity, and they can occur for a variety of reasons. However, head-on collisions are usually very serious, and they often occur because of driver negligence. Some forms of negligence that can lead to head-on crashes include:

  • Impaired driving: Those who are driving while they are under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol are not driving with a clear head. Often, their judgment is skewed, and they do not make the best decisions. They may stray out of their lane and into oncoming traffic, or they may commit other errors that lead them to collide with other vehicles at high speeds, resulting in serious injuries.

  • Distracted driving: A motorist who does not pay full attention to the road places themselves and others at serious risk of injury in a head-on collision. Even momentary distractions, such as glancing at a cell phone or adjusting the radio, can be deadly, especially when they occur while traveling at high speeds.

  • Fatigue: A motorist who is not fully awake and attentive can pose a risk to other motorists. A driver who is fatigued or drowsy may doze off, veer into other lanes, and collide with oncoming vehicles.

Seeking Compensation For Injuries and Damages

The effects of a head-on collision can be devastating for all parties involved. Serious injuries such as broken bones, spinal cord damage, and brain injuries can result from a front-impact crash. It is also not uncommon for head-on collisions to result in wrongful death. According to the Insurance Information Institute, frontal impacts or head-on collisions accounted for 56 percent of all motor vehicle occupant deaths in 2018.

Obtaining compensation from a driver who caused a head-on collision is usually straightforward. To be successful in your claim, you must prove that the other driver was driving or acting in a negligent manner when he or she caused the accident. Demonstrating negligence is often not difficult in these cases, since it will be evident that a driver who left their lane and collided with oncoming traffic was acting negligently. In some cases, claims of negligence may be bolstered by evidence that the driver was impaired at the time of the accident or was distracted because he or she was using a cell phone or other electronic device.

Contact a Bloomingdale Personal Injury Attorney

If you have been involved in a head-on collision, you may be concerned about the financial issues you will need to address while recovering from your injuries. At the Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we have helped numerous clients secure monetary compensation for injuries caused by negligent drivers. Contact our skilled DuPage County car accident lawyers today at 630-932-9100 to schedule a free consultation.




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