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How Can I Sponsor My Relative for Permanent Residency in the United States?

 Posted on August 27, 2019 in Immigration

IL immigration lawyerImmigration is a hot topic these days, given recent government changes to the laws and increased enforcement at the United States/Mexico border. Many U.S. citizens have family members who wish to join them here. Any U.S. citizen can help a relative become a legal permanent resident of the United States by obtaining a “Green Card.” To accomplish this, a person must sponsor his or her relative and prove that he or she has enough income or assets to support the relative once he or she enters the United States. It is important to note that if the immigrant qualifies, he or she can apply for citizenship later. If you are considering sponsoring a loved one, you need to know the necessary legal steps to take.

Requirements for Sponsorship

Obtaining permanent resident status provides a family member with the privilege of living and working in the United States permanently. The petitioner is required to show evidence to prove the familial relationship to the person for whom he or she is sponsoring. In order to sponsor a relative for permanent residency in the United States, there are several requirements that must be met:

  • The sponsor must have a qualifying family relationship with the beneficiary.
  • The person must be willing to sponsor the relative to become a legal permanent resident by filing a Petition for Alien Relative form (I-130).

A U.S. citizen can file a petition for these relatives:

  • Husband or wife
  • Children, married or unmarried

A U.S. citizen who is 21 years or older may also petition for the following family members:

  • Parents
  • Brothers or sisters

Steps for Sponsorship

  • If the relative is currently living outside the United States, file I-130 Petition for Alien Relative form and submit the I-864 Affidavit of Support.
  • The relative must appear at his or her local consulate to fill out an application and interview for visa.
  • If the relative is currently living in the United States, file I-485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status. Fill out the I-864 and give it to the relative, who attaches it to application and submits to USCIS.
  • The relative can apply for citizenship after at least three to 5 years.

Contact an Illinois Immigration Attorney

A lot of people come to the United States in hopes of having better lives. The immigration process can be daunting, especially given the recent rules imposed by the current administration. If your family member would like to enter the United States legally, you might be able to help him or her with the procedure. A knowledgeable Illinois immigration attorney can assist you in sponsoring your loved one who wishes to immigrate to the United States. To schedule a free consultation, call our office today at 630-932-9100.

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