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How Divorced Dads Can Improve Their Daughters' Self-Esteem

 Posted on September 11, 2018 in Family Law

Il family lawyerA girl’s relationship with her father is important. Unfortunately, divorce may hinder a father-daughter relationship and make it difficult for a father to stay connected with his daughter. The good news is that there are certain ways divorced dads can facilitate a healthy relationship with their daughters and improve their daughters’ self-esteem. Here’s how:

Encourage Her to Express Her Feelings

Divorced fathers should encourage their daughters to be open, honest, and not be afraid to express their feelings. When fathers create a safe environment for daughters to express their feelings, daughters can lead happier, more positive lives.

Praise Her Appropriately

Rather than saying things like “you look pretty and thinner” divorced fathers should praise their daughters by pointing out their strengths and talents. They can say things like “you are wise for going on a walk every day” or “nice job cooking a healthy meal.”

Act as a Support System

There will be many times in a daughter’s life where all she wants is love and support. Divorced fathers need to serve as their daughters’ support systems and be there for them whenever they need advice or a shoulder to cry on.

Avoid Bad Mouthing an Ex

Even if a divorce ended on a bad note, divorced fathers should avoid bad mouthing their ex in front of their daughters. Doing so can make it more of a challenge for daughter to heal from the anger and sadness that may have came from the divorce.

Spend Quality Time Together

Divorced fathers often lead busy lives. However, it is important they spend quality time with their daughters on a regular basis. They should participate in healthy activities together such as playing cards and walking around the neighborhood.

Be Flexible with Parenting Time

As girls get older, they become busier with school, jobs, extracurricular activities, and social events. Divorced fathers need to accept and realize this and be flexible with parenting time as a result. They should be okay with changing plans when their daughters need more time for certain activities.

All of these tips are important as fathers are the key to the futures of their daughters. According to Kevin Leman, a well-known psychologist, evidence shows that a father’s relationship with his daughter plays a vital role in a woman’s ability to enjoy a successful life and marriage.

Contact Our Experienced Lombard Divorce Attorneys

If you are a divorced father and searching for more tips on how to remain a good parent to your daughter, we encourage you to contact the DuPage County divorce lawyers at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices.

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