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How Much Does Adoption Cost?

 Posted on February 18, 2019 in Family Law

DuPage County adoption attorneyAdopting a child is a great option for couples who would like children, but many people are surprised at how much it costs to actually adopt a child. The expenses can vary widely for many reasons, such as the number of legal fees, whether you are working with an agency or not, and the costs of obtaining all the necessary toys and childcare items. When the process is done, and you are finally able to go home with your child, it will all be worth it. However, you will likely want to try to alleviate the costs of adoption whenever possible.

Costs of Domestic and International Adoption

International adoption refers to adopting a child from another country instead of within the home country of the adoptive parents. Travel expenses and the laws and regulations around adoptions can all make it difficult to adopt a child from another country. International adoption also costs much more in general than a domestic adoption due to the different processes and fees involved. For example, most countries will require the prospective parent to visit the country of the child they wish to adopt, and the prices of multiple international flights can add up.

Domestic adoption is usually cheaper, but it still has many elements which will add to the total cost. Adopting through an adoption agency will increase the price as well, since adoption agencies will work with the parents to find a situation that is right for them, and they are usually involved in the process from start to finish. The agencies will also often offer counseling and support to the birth mother and adoptive parents.

What if the Cost Seems Too Great?

If you believe the cost of adoption seems to be more than you can afford, there are some steps you can take to have less debt after the adoption has been completed. Certain organizations will give grants to couples looking to adopt. Foster care adoptions may also be an option to consider, and the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) may provide reimbursement for legal fees in these cases. Depending on your situation, you may also wish to consider other options for raising the money, such as holding a garage sale, fundraising through local events groups, or crowdfunding through a service such as GoFundMe.

Contact a DuPage County Adoption Attorney

Adoption can be a long and complicated process. If you would like to adopt a child, you will need a compassionate Lombard family law attorney to help you complete the process as quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively as possible. The lawyers at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices have the experience you need. Contact us today at 630-932-9100 for a free initial consultation.

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