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How Parenting Time Changes with Different Ages

 Posted on December 17, 2017 in Family Law

Untitled-design-24.jpgThe way you spend your parenting time when your child is a toddler will be far different than when your child is a teenager. Since parenting time changes with different ages, it is important to understand how to make the best use of your time throughout every stage of your child’s life. Let’s take a closer look at how you can expect to spend your parenting time when your child is a toddler, in elementary school, and teenager.


When your child is young, your parenting time may be spent teaching them how to speak and read. You may consider reading, playing educational games, or taking them to activities that allow them to socialize and meet other children. By doing so, you will prepare them for kindergarten.

During this stage in your child’s life, you will need to provide them with the most attention as they may not yet know the difference between right and wrong and are too young to stay out of dangerous situations.

Elementary School

Once your child enters elementary school, the way you spend your parenting time will change. You will find that rather than educating them, you will need to drive them to friend’s houses for play dates, become involved in their extracurricular activities such as dance, soccer, and pottery club, and assist them with homework.


After elementary school, your child will make their way onto middle school and become a teenager. Keep in mind that parenting time may be more difficult during their middle and high school years because your child will go through a variety physical and emotional changes.

They may prefer to spend more time at their job, extracurricular activities or with their friends, making it difficult for you to enforce parenting time. While this may take a toll on you, remember that this is a normal part of being a teenager and they will grow out of this stage eventually.

As a parent, you must be flexible and understand that your child’s needs will change as they grow up and become more independent. By accepting and respecting your child’s changes, you can provide your child with the appropriate type and level of care and attention.

Contact Our DuPage County Family Lawyers

If you have questions related to your parenting time, you should contact our experienced DuPage County family lawyers at 630-932-9100 for a free consultation. We can explain your rights as a parent and help you use your parenting time wisely.



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