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How Should You Handle Insurance Companies After an Accident?

 Posted on August 12, 2024 in Personal Injury

Bloomingdale, IL car accident lawyerAn insurance claim is the first step in most personal injury cases. While you might think that the liable insurer will offer you a reasonable settlement amount that will cover all of your accident-related expenses and other eligible losses, the sad fact is that most do not. It often takes the assistance of a skilled personal injury attorney from Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices to get as much compensation as you deserve.

Insurance Companies Are Not Your Friends

When policyholders pay their insurance premiums, their insurer agrees to pay valid claims. Unfortunately, these companies do not like issuing payouts. When you file a claim against them, an insurance adjuster investigates your accident to determine how much your case is worth. With that figure in mind, the insurance company will likely make a lowball offer. They know full well how much they should pay, but if you accept a lower amount, they get to save money. Once you accept and sign a settlement offer, you cannot ask for more compensation.

Besides offering an unreasonably low settlement amount, these companies may use other methods to reduce how much your payout will be. When you work with Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we will not let them get away with treating you unfairly, including using these dirty tactics: 

Blaming You for Causing Your Accident

In Illinois, modified comparative negligence determines whether you can obtain compensation and how much you can receive. If you are over 50 percent responsible for causing your accident, you cannot get any compensation. If you do qualify, your assigned percentage of fault reduces your settlement amount.

Insurance companies may try to blame you for more than your share of fault to decrease or eliminate your payout. Your attorney will be sure that any degree of fault assigned to you is accurate.

Twisting Your Words

After an accident, many people unthinkingly say, "I’m sorry." Insurers can take this and other innocent statements as an admission of fault and use them against you. They may record your conversations to use as evidence.

Be cautious about what you say. Do not give insurance company representatives more than the bare details about your accident and injuries. When you partner with Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we will handle all communications for you to avoid damaging your case.

Tricking You Into Signing Documents

Insurance company representatives may ask you to sign paperwork that has unclear language. This "fine print" may limit your eligibility to receive a payout. Do not sign anything until your lawyer reviews it. Better yet, we can have all written communications come through our office.

Offering Extremely Quick Amounts or Delaying Indefinitely

Accidents can cause you significant financial strain. Insurance companies know that you may be desperate to get a settlement to pay your bills. They may make a low offer very quickly or delay making an offer, hoping that you will not realize you could get more.

You need to know how much your case is worth to evaluate these offers. Your attorney can calculate your available damages and advise you about whether you should accept an offer.

Denying Valid Claims

In some cases, insurance companies will deny your claim outright. They may imply that you do not have any options other than accepting their denial. You can dispute their decision with the help of a qualified personal injury lawyer.

Schedule Your Free Consultation With Our Dedicated DuPage County, IL Personal Injury Lawyers

Working with an experienced personal injury firm is often the best way to deal with insurance companies after an accident. When you choose Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we will not let them take advantage of you. Request your free consultation by calling 630-932-9100 to learn more about how our diligent Lombard, IL personal injury attorneys can help.

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