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How Can Speeding Lead to Serious Car Accident Injuries in Illinois?

 Posted on June 28, 2019 in Personal Injury

DuPage County, IL speeding accident injury attorney

In today’s world, it can feel like we always need to keep moving and doing more every day. For some people, driving a little faster than the speed limit to fit everything into a single day seems like a good idea, but what may seem like a minor violation of the law can have deadly consequences. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), speeding killed more than 9,700 people in 2017 and accounted for more than 25 percent of all fatal traffic accidents. Often, speeding may seem like a victimless crime, but speeding accidents can cause serious or fatal injuries.

Why Do People Speed?

There are many reasons why a driver would speed. Most of the time, the reasons for speeding are not malicious, but speeding for any reason can be dangerous. Drivers may speed because they are:

  • Running late for work, school, or other obligations

  • Distracted while they are driving and do not realize they are speeding

  • Drunk or otherwise impaired while they are driving

  • Unconcerned with the safety of others

While drivers of any age may exceed the speed limit, young drivers who are under the age of 29 are more likely to speed.

Why Are Speeding Accidents So Dangerous?

It is well known that speeding accidents can result in more serious injuries and more fatalities than accidents caused by other factors. Speeding has been labeled as one of the more dangerous driving behaviors for many reasons, including:

  • Higher crash risk: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), even just an average increase of one kilometer per hour can result in a 3 percent higher risk of an injury crash and a 4-5 percent higher risk of fatal crashes.

  • Decreased stopping time: If you consider basic physics, it is easy to understand that the faster a car is traveling, the longer it will take to come to a complete stop.

  • Increased crash severity: The WHO reports that a car traveling at 50 miles per hour is 20 times more likely to result in a fatal crash than a vehicle traveling at 20 miles per hour.

Contact a DuPage County Speeding Accident Injury Lawyer

Speeding has been known to be one of the leading factors in traffic accident deaths and injuries. Not only is speeding dangerous, but it is also illegal. If you or a loved one have been injured in a traffic accident in which the other driver was speeding, you should immediately contact a Lombard, IL car accident attorney. Our team at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices has a strong track record of advocating for our clients and fighting to get them the compensation they deserve. We operate on a contingency fee basis, so you do not pay until we win your case. Call our office at 630-932-9100 to schedule a free consultation.

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