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How Substance Abuse Affects Divorce

 Posted on August 24, 2018 in Family Law

IL divorce lawyerUnfortunately, substance abuse is a common issue in Illinois. When one spouse is abusing alcohol or drugs, life for the other spouse can become very difficult. Oftentimes, substance abuse in a marriage leads to divorce. If you are divorcing a spouse with substance abuse problems, you may be wondering how it will affect your divorce. Read on to find out.

Child Custody

When determining child custody, a judge’s main goal will be to keep your child’s best interests in mind when designing an arrangement. If a parent abuses alcohol or drugs, they are unlikely able to provide their child with the high-quality care they deserve. In fact, they may endanger their child if their substance abuse case is severe.

It is important to keep in mind that although the judge may deny custody to a parent with a history of substance abuse, the parent may complete rehab or participate in substance abuse support groups so that they can request a child custody modification when they are more fit to care for their child.

Division of Assets

One of the most common issues among individuals who abuse drugs or alcohol is careless spending. If one spouse has spent a lot of a couple’s assets on illegal drugs, the division of assets can become complicated. A court may divide marital assets in a way that compensates the spouse that did not abuse drugs.

Spousal Support

If the spouse who has abused drugs or alcohol and has hurt your financial situation, a judge may award spousal support. In the event you are worried about your spouse racking up debt or diminishing your savings, put your money in your own bank account and place any valuable items you may have in storage.

The Importance of Obtaining Legal Representation

Due to the fact that substance abuse can make a divorce, it is wise to seek legal representation. An experienced divorce lawyer who is well-versed in all aspects of Illinois law can ensure that your divorce benefits you as the non-drug abuser rather than hurts you. They will help you make the right decisions for your particular circumstances and protect your rights.

Contact Our Experienced DuPage County Divorce Lawyers

If you are going through the divorce process with someone who has abused alcohol or drugs, reach out to our highly skilled DuPage County divorce lawyers at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. We understand how difficult it can be to divorce a spouse who is addicted to a substance and are here to ensure you are treated fairly.



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