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How to Cope with Divorce During the Holidays

 Posted on November 15, 2017 in Family Law

Untitled-design-7.jpgDealing with divorce is hard enough on its own. However, when divorce is paired with the holidays, you may feel anxious, sad, and overwhelmed. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways you can cope with divorce during the holiday season, make the best out of this roadblock in your life, and experience the holiday cheer you deserve:

  • Volunteer. Although you be tempted to stay at home, getting out and volunteering is an effective way to take your mind off your marital status and help those in need. Whether you volunteer at a soup kitchen, animal shelter, or local non-profit organization, you can remind yourself that life is not perfect and everyone has some type of hardship in their life.
  • Focus on Your Children. If you have children, you should make an effort to ensure your divorce does not stop them from having fun and being happy during the holidays. Try to create a holiday social schedule with your ex-partner so that your children receive the opportunity to spend time with both of their parents. In addition, be sure to keep some old holidays traditions and create new ones.
  • Socialize. In order to avoid feelings of loneliness and depression during the holiday season, you should socialize as much as possible. Spend time with your friends and family members, join a club, attend community events, and go to the parties and other holiday events you are invited to. Frequent socialization can help you make new friends and strengthen your current relationships.
  • Eat Healthy and Exercise. It can be easy to disregard your health while coping with divorce during the holidays. By doing so, you can get sick and suffer from health issues that will only make this time more difficult. Therefore, you should make it a priority to eat well-balanced, nutrient-rich meals and visit the gym or exercise at home on a regular basis.
  • Avoid Overspending. If your finances have taken a hit during your divorce, you should be mindful when spending during the holiday season. Credit card debt can add to your stress, making it crucial to create a holiday spending budget and stick to it. If you have children, speak to your ex-partner to create a plan for buying your children gifts.

Contact Our DuPage County Divorce Attorneys

If you are going through a divorce, contact our DuPage County divorce attorneys for legal guidance on the process or further advice on how to cope during the holiday season. We can be reached at 630-932-9100.




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