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How to Cope with Work and Divorce

 Posted on August 31, 2018 in Family Law

IL divorce lawyerThe divorce process can take a significant toll on your professional life. If you are having a difficult time being productive and staying positive at work, here are several strategies that may help you out.

Inform Your Supervisor

Although you may be tempted to keep your divorce to yourself, it is essential to inform your supervisor. This way, they will know what is going on if you are in a bad mood or need to take some time off to meet with your attorney, financial advisor, or anyone else involved in your divorce.

Be Discreet

You can let co-workers know about your divorce if you wish. However, it is important to be discreet about the details of your case. Even though it may feel good to vent to co-workers, doing so may make you appear less credible or even jeopardize the future of your career. If co-workers ask you what happened, simply tell them you are going through a rough patch and in the process of figuring things out.

Find a Support System Outside of Work

By finding a good support system outside of work, you will not be as tempted to speak to your co-workers about your divorce. When you are seeking advice or simply need a shoulder to cry on, turn to trustworthy family members or friends who do not work with you.

Reduce Communication from Your Soon to Be Ex

To stay productive and keep your mind off of your divorce while you are at work, you should reduce communication from your soon-to-be ex. If they happen to call or text you, do not respond to them unless there has been an emergency situation with your children.

Take Care of Yourself

Incorporating self-care into your workday is essential when you are going through a divorce. Try to pack healthy lunches, opt for healthier options while eating out with clients or co-workers, working out during your lunch break, and taking regular walks outside.

Avoid Quitting

Some individuals who are going through a divorce assume that by quitting their job, they can increase their child support or spousal support payments. It is vital to understand that this can actually be used against you in the divorce proceeding and negatively impact your career and future financial situation.

Contact Our DuPage County Divorce Lawyers

For more information on how to keep your professional life in good shape while going through a divorce, reach out to our highly skilled DuPage County divorce lawyers at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices.



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