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How To Cope With Your Ex Getting Engaged or Remarried

 Posted on January 08, 2019 in Family Law

Illinois divorce attorneysIf your marriage was unable to continue and you went through the divorce process, you may not expect to be emotionally affected by your ex getting engaged or remarried. However, the marriage being over does not necessarily mean that you feel nothing for your ex at all. Whether it is nostalgia for the good times you had or for another reason, chances are good that many people feel something when they see their ex has permanently moved on with their life. It may be beneficial to you to read through some information such as the tips below to help you cope with your ex’s engagement or remarriage.

Be Wary of Social Media

Seeing social media posts about your ex's new marriage or how happy they are with their new significant other will probably cause some emotion for you. You may need to unfollow your ex on social media in order to keep those feelings out of your life. It is also not good to go to your previous spouse's social media and constantly check it. It is not going to end up helping you at all; it will only hurt you.

Spend Time With Family and Friends

Being with the people you love can take your mind off what is happening in your ex’s life. It can also keep you from ruminating on what could be going on or how the new relationship may have started. Not obsessing over the relationship and being with people who make you happy will give you a confidence boost and help you to remember that there is a reason that your ex is no longer in your life.

Reflect On Why Your Relationship Went Wrong

It may be helpful to write down what caused the divorce to happen in the first place. Some people may start to wonder if they made the right choice in getting a divorce when they see their ex with another person. However, if you think back and reflect on why you went through the divorce process, it can help keep you grounded and realize that the relationship was not the best choice for you and your happiness.

Contact Our Experienced DuPage County Family Law Attorneys

If you feel your marriage can no longer continue, you may need to get a divorce. The helpful Lombard divorce attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can assist you with your divorce case and provide you with compassionate care to make sure your divorce is handled properly. Call us at 630-932-9100 to set up a free consultation.

Source: https://globalnews.ca/news/3598905/is-your-ex-getting-married-here-are-7-ways-to-cope-with-the-news/

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