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How to Respond to a Car Accident

 Posted on January 21, 2019 in Personal Injury

IL accident lawyerCar accidents are traumatic events that can elicit very different reactions from witnesses and victims. The shock of the impact and repercussions of injuries may be felt immediately, or could be delayed for minutes, hours, or days. How an accident victim responds to the immediate aftermath of a car crash can make a significant difference in his/her ability to recover compensation.

Some of the actions advised are fairly obvious or intuitive, but others would not necessarily occur to a victim absorbing the shock of the accident, and knowing in advance how to act in the event of an accident can save a lot of time and effort if a lawsuit is filed at a later date.

Even if this information is viewed following an accident, it can still prove useful to a victim because it will inform him/her what to do in the days and months following the collision to both preserve and build a strong car accident personal injury lawsuit. Given that the injuries from a car accident can affect a person’s life indefinitely, putting together the building blocks of a car accident claim from the very beginning is the best way to ensure damages are paid, and an overview of what to focus on an accident scene and as part of the recovery process will follow below.

At the Accident Scene

The first and foremost concern should always be to seek medical treatment as soon as possible if an injury is apparent or suspected, as well as notifying law enforcement of the crash. Delaying treatment can cause more problems if ignored, and even if it seems there was no injury, shock can delay physical symptoms, so a doctor should be visited just to be sure. Further, to the extent possible, document the accident scene by taking pictures of all vehicles involved, any marks on the road, broken glass, the surrounding area, and license plates. Insurance information should also be exchanged, and witness names and contact information collected.

As a practical matter, and to ensure the accident report is an accurate picture of what occurred, all parties should try to remain calm and not overreact by assigning blame or admitting responsibility. Cooperation with police and paramedics should yield positive results when this information is later used as part of a personal injury lawsuit.

Recovery and Gathering Evidence

The main bulk of the work an accident victim needs to expend to build a strong case occurs after the accident is over and at least immediate medical treatment received. Collecting and creating documentation about what happened will help a personal injury attorney decide what the best approach is to receive compensation. Some of the basic things an accident victim should do help his/her case include:

  • Get a copy of the crash report;
  • File a written report with the Illinois Department of Transportation within 10 days if death, injury, or property damage above $1,500 resulted from the accident;
  • Contact and cooperate with one’s insurance company, but refrain from blaming the other driver or accepting responsibility, as who is truly at fault may not be apparent at this point;
  • Direct the other driver’s insurance provider to contact one’s insurance company or driver, and do not sign or record anything without first receiving legal advice;
  • Keep a daily journal recording the direct impact of any injuries from the accident, the recovery process, and how everything has affected daily life; and
  • Avoid discussing the accident with non-family members, and particularly avoid putting anything on social media, as both can be used as evidence against an injured victim at trial.

Speak to a DuPage County Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents can lead to devastating results, and if you are suffering from injuries sustained in a crash, talk to the dedicated Lombard personal injury attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices about your right to recovery. Medical bills and lost time at work quickly add up, so do not delay in seeking legal advice. Contact the law firm at 630-932-9100 for a free consultation.



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