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Drunk Driving in Illinois – The Repercussions

 Posted on June 13, 2017 in Personal Injury

DuPage County personal injury lawyers, drunk driving, DUI accidents, drunk driving laws, Illinois DUIDespite advances in car technology and features, almost nothing can keep up with the drivers who get behind the wheel of a car in an impaired state. Drunk drivers continue to be a menace on the roads, putting the lives of innocent people at risk.

The carelessness and recklessness associated with a drunk driver can rip families apart and deprive victims of their quality of life—or even their life if an accident is fatal. In 2014, 38,822 drivers were arrested for driving under the influence in Illinois.

If your loved one was killed by a drunk driver, then that driver should be held accountable for getting behind the wheel drunk, and should provide compensation for your loss. Seek the services of a compassionate drunk driving accident attorney to help recover for your losses.

Blood Alcohol Levels

In Illinois, 991 people were killed in crashes in 2013. Thirty-nine percent were alcohol related. Consider how many lives and families were destroyed—destroyed by the actions of a person who made a bad decision to drive while under the influence.

The laws in Illinois are very clear about what constitutes "over the legal limit" after alcohol consumption. If your blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08 percent or higher, then you are considered to be legally drunk and it is illegal for you to drive. However, if you drive with a BAC between 0.05 percent and 0.08 percent, you may still be cited for a DUI if your behavior suggests you are impaired.

Therefore, if a driver is involved in an accident while driving drunk, he or she can be found negligent by default, regardless of the circumstances of the incident. This can also apply to a driver with a lower BAC if he or she drove in an unsafe manner and singularly caused an accident.

In the event of a wrongful death of a loved one, you have the right to recover damages for your loss. Your pain should not be exacerbated by a stressful legal process to seek this compensation. An experienced and diligent attorney will help make the case straightforward but thorough. Your attorney's resources will enable a detailed analysis of the crash and circumstances surrounding it. Moreover, he or she will fight tirelessly to see that you are compensated for your loss.

Legal Advocates

In the time of devastation and destruction, legal recourse is a necessary path you should pursue in order to seek compensation. The injuries and loss caused by a drunk driver can cause a huge impact on your daily life and may be a constant struggle if your loved one’s death resulted in hefty medical and funeral costs. The attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices are tireless advocates for families that lost a loved one. Make Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices your DuPage County personal injury lawyers of choice. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.




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