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Latest Illinois Drunk Driving Statistics Released

 Posted on February 23, 2015 in Personal Injury

Despite a decrease in fatalities, drunk driving is still a serious problem in Illinois. However, there has been a distinct effort to crack down on drunk driving by law enforcement in hopes of decreasing the number of car accidents. Various non-profit groups in Illinois have released their most recent data on the state of driving under the influence in the state. Cyber Drive Illinois released its facts from 2013, and showed that 317 out of 991 total fatal crashes were alcohol-related. One statistic, illustrating the increased crackdown on drunk driving, is that 93 percent of drivers arrested for a DUI lost their driving privileges. Furthermore, 86 percent of all drivers arrested for DUIs were first-time offenders. The Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists also released its most recent data from 2013. It found that 35 percent of accidents involving a drunk driver resulted in a fatality. The top 10 counties in Illinois for driving under the influence arrests are as follows:
  1. Lake County;
  2. Cook County;
  3. Winnebago County;
  4. Will County;
  5. DuPage County;
  6. LaSalle County;
  7. DeKalb County;
  8. Champaign County;
  9. Rock Island County; and
  10. Peoria County.
Legislature Takes Actions As Well In an effort to keep the positive momentum moving forward in DUI enforcement, Illinois state legislature enacted two new drunk driving laws. The first makes it unlawful for a parent or guardian to knowingly permit any vehicle to be used while there is underage drinking (car, watercraft, or other conveyance). The second brings back the law that allows criminal penalties to be imposed on any individual who knowingly allow his or her residence to be used for underage drinking. Both of these laws focus on targeting adults who allow minors to drink on their property. Illinois Statutory Summary Suspension is another reason why the number of fatal drunk driving accidents is decreasing. This is the automatic suspension of driving privileges for an individual who fails, refuses to submit, or fails to complete a chemical test. Chemical tests are required when drunk driving is suspected in an accident that caused personal injury or death. Contact Our Experienced Car Accident Attorneys Have you been injured in a car accident as a result of a drunk driver? Do you need help recover due compensation for the costs you incurred because of your injuries? Our skilled DuPage County car accident attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices are prepared to provide you with professional representation to ensure you recover the compensation you deserve. Reach out to us today for a consultation on your case.
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