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Increased Injuries Associated with Increased Bicycle Use

 Posted on September 05, 2014 in Personal Injury

There is no doubt that summer weather draws people outdoors in large numbers, all finding different ways to enjoy enjoy themselves. One common activity to take part in during summer months is bicycling. Whether it is as an alternate mode of transportation or a leisurely activity, bike riders have been everywhere this summer throughout Chicago and the surrounding area. While getting outside and being active is a positive thing, according to a recent news story, doctors are also warning of the dangers of carelessness when bicycle riding.

Bike Safety

With the multitude of bike riders present in the city, it is more important than ever to take advantage of safety equipment when riding—something not all riders do. It is likely not hard to spot a significant portion of riders who choose to forego the safety gear available to wear when riding a bicycle. In particular, wearing a bike helmet or other forms of protective head gear is of the utmost importance in avoiding many of the more serious injuries that can result in a bike accident.

One rider recounted an incident which occurred last summer, when he was not wearing a helmet. As he attempted to navigate his bike over a curb, his tire popped off its frame, causing the bike to come down on the concrete and immediately stop. The rider flew directly over the handlebars and ended up breaking his cheekbones and the orbit around one of his eyes. In addition, the impact narrowed his spinal canal which caused him to lose function in his legs and arms for several months. As if that was not bad enough, he also suffered brain damage.

Medical professionals are warning that many injuries resulting from bike crashes could be prevented by wearing a helmet. One doctor estimated that over 80 percent of patients he has seen who have suffered fatal injuries from a bicycle-related trauma were not wearing protective head gear.

Bike Sharing Programs

Some are saying that statistically, bike share program riders are less likely to wear helmets than other riders. On the other hand, it seems that such programs have led to more bike riders being on the road, which has risen awareness of rider safety. There does seem to be a need, however, to link program riders with helmet use. Of the cities with rideshare programs, a recent study found a 14 percent increase in the proportion of head injuries in bike accident patients.

While this increase cannot be directly linked to helmets not being used, bike programs in Chicago have reported that they are looking into ways of making helmets available near their stations. The idea is that if helmets were available with the bike rental, more people would wear them. It is notable that Illinois is one of only two states in the country that does not have a law regarding bicycle helmet use.

Accident Injury Attorney

If you or someone you know was involved in an accident and suffered injury as a result, the DuPage County accident attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can help you protect your rights. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. We serve clients in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, Kendall, and Will County.
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