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Fractures, Fatalities, and Head Injuries Common Among Pedestrians Hit by Cars

 Posted on November 08, 2016 in Personal Injury

DuPage County personal injury lawyer, pedestrians hit by carsWhen it comes to road users, pedestrians are the most vulnerable in automobile crashes. Unable to move quickly and completely unprotected, pedestrians are also at higher risk for injury.

The types of injuries pedestrians experience typically depend upon the speed of the driver, age of the victim, and other factors. However, one recent study determined that pedestrians are most at risk for fracture, fatality, and head injuries. What does this mean for victims and their families? The following explains.

Serious Injuries Often Experienced by Pedestrians

The recent study examined the injury patterns of pedestrians in automobile accidents. Lower extremities (knees, legs, etc.) were injured in half of all the victims while 38 percent suffered an injury to the face, neck, or head. A total of 27 percent of victims sustained injuries to their upper extremities. It should also be noted that many victims suffered more than one of these injuries. More specifically, fractures, head injury, and fatality were the most frequently experienced diagnosis among pedestrians. Men were also more likely to suffer from serious injuries to their internal organs while women were more likely to experience injuries to the pelvis and upper extremities.

What This Means for Victims

More than 150,000 pedestrians are injured or killed in an automobile accident each and every year. Furthermore, statistics indicate that the death toll for pedestrians are rising—an estimated six to 10 percent, according to a study from the Governors Highway Safety Association. Clearly, something needs to change. Yet, until it does, pedestrians continue to be at risk.

Of course, some do walk away from an automobile accident with minor injuries. Yet, a high percentage may spend months, years, or possibly even the rest of their lives dealing with pain. Others may not survive, which leaves their families to grieve their loss. As such, it is critical that victims know that they do have the right to compensation, should they be injured in a crash.

Obtain Experienced Representation for Your Pedestrian Accident Claim

Although pedestrians are more likely to suffer serious injury, they are just as likely as automobile sufferers to have their claims dismissed or unfairly scrutinized by the insurance companies. They may be at risk of non-payment, or a reduction in their payout. Sadly, too many do not realize they can fight against this injustice by ensuring they have skilled and experienced legal representation on their side.

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we fight aggressively to protect the rights of injured pedestrians and their families. Sympathetic to the struggles you face, we handle all the legal aspects of your case, giving you and your loved ones the time you need to heal and grieve. In every case, we seek the maximum compensation possible. Schedule your consultation with our DuPage County personal injury lawyers today to learn more. Call 630-932-9100.

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