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Intersection Nightmare

 Posted on July 22, 2016 in Personal Injury

Intersection NightmareDriving on today’s roads can be treacherous. Many factors can contribute to accidents, injury, and death. Drivers can encounter distracted drivers, reckless cars and those who simply ignore the rules of the road and show their frustration at seemingly insignificant situations. With almost thirty thousand fatal car accidents in 2014, it is no wonder that we should all be concerned about how and where we drive especially at intersections, where people are t-boned and sideswiped frequently.

If you were involved in a car crash that occurred at an intersection due to another driver’s negligent actions contributed to the accident, obtain legal advice from an experienced personal injury attorney. In the event of an injury you may also be able to make a case for a financial settlement to assist you in your recovery.

Tricky Turns?

Many experts claim that burgeoning populations and older infrastructure in cities are contributing to the accidents as is extra technology and gadgets in cars. But unfortunately, while that may be true, driver personas are also a major factor.

What usually contributes to intersection accidents are discourteous drivers who run through stop lights. Intersection-related crashes are almost 335 times more likely to be a situation where a driver “turned with obstructed view” as the critical reason for the crash.

Following that, these factors identified by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration can create accident prone intersections:

  1. Improper visual assessments
  2. Illegal maneuvers
  3. Misjudging another driver’s actions or intentions
  4. Not assessing the space and clearance around vehicles correctly
  5. Speed of other drivers

Usually a T-bone or sideswipe crash will occur in any of these scenarios which in turn, will result in serious injuries for the occupants of the vehicle impacted. From whiplash to broken bones, internal injuries and even a traumatic brain injury could spell a lengthy and costly medical recovery for victims.

The Solution?

Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System (CICAS), which would warn a driver about an imminent violation of the traffic control device at the intersection is new technology that may help. But other than CICAS, other measures that may also help, include improved road design, more efficient use of traffic control devices, and driver training.

Until these measures are put in place, there is always human error to account for. In the case of a serious injury, you need the experience and compassion of a legal team who can walk you through every step of the process. Call our DuPage County personal injury attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices at 630-932-9100 for a free complimentary consultation. There is no cost to find out whether you have a strong case. If you do, the compensation will be invaluable.

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