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Is Divorce the Right Choice for You?

 Posted on February 16, 2013 in Family Law

divorce on paper imagePeople grow apart. Communication is lack luster. It seems useless to try.

All excuses are used for a marriage to be dissolved and for both parties to move on and forward. But is it really in the best interest? Can both parties do SOMETHING to save the marriage?

Yes. But sometimes, it is best to go separate ways. According to Power of Two Marriage Program there are ways to save a marriage and there are clear reasons for a divorce.

When one spouse clearly has the desire to control the other through verbal threats, anger or constant criticism, grounds are there. Who wants to be told how to behave? Who wants to be told who they should hang out with, whether it is with friends or family? Finances in general are hard for couples to navigate through, but being out of the loop on finances or not having access to the family fund is controlling.

Addiction, whether it's to gambling, drugs, alcohol or something else, is a disease that needs serious professional help and support. When it harms the one's spouse, children and the family in general, it can lead to such damaging effects that divorce may be the best way to approach the relationship anymore. The spouse can try as hard he/she wants, but if the addict does not want help, they make it clear that their priorities are not the spouse, children and family, there may not me another option. Sometimes it is mental disorder that if left unchecked, can lead to repeated cheating or physical abuse or mistreatment of the children through verbal, physical, emotional or sexual abuse.

If after trying to reconcile your marriage, you still find that the other party is not willing to work on the marriage, contact an attorney who will go over your options with you. A divorce lawyer should be someone you can trust and rely on. Contact a Naperville, Illinois, lawyer today.

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