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Jack-Knifing Trucks a Danger to Cars

 Posted on August 04, 2016 in Personal Injury

DuPage County personal injury lawyerSharing the roadways with heavy tractor-trailers can be scary for many drivers. Their sheer size, enormous tires, and heavy loads monopolize the road and make lanes tighter for cars other passenger vehicles. They travel at the same speeds—and often faster—but their size makes them more likely to create a major hazard on the roads. With 924 truck fatalities in Illinois in 2014, mostly in urban areas, it is clear how much of a danger large trucks can be.

A common occurrence in a truck accident is when a truck “jack-knifes,” which occurs when the driver brakes suddenly and the trailer swings to a ninety-degree angle from the cab, creating an L-shape. The “swing” of the trailer as it moves, will swipe anything in its path, creating deadly consequences for anybody in those vehicles. If this has happened to you or your loved one, seek honest, experienced advice from a personal injury attorney to determine if you have a viable legal case to pursue.

Sudden Braking by Truckers

Truck drivers need to pay special attention to their driving practices and especially to how they brake. There are certain techniques they must employ to ensure they come to a steady stop, usually meaning making sure they stop in plenty of time and with ample space. If they do not, inadequate stopping distance can result in a horrible accident to the cars around them.

Loss of traction due to improper braking, slick roads, and even very light loads can also contribute to a jack-knife situation. This demonstrates, yet again, the measures truckers need to take to operate their trucks safely.

Jack-knifing truck accidents are horrific and devastating for people in other vehicles in the vicinity. Trucks that jack-knife are at a high risk of then rolling over or losing the contents of their load which, in turn, put other motorists on the road at risk of serious injuries.

Deserving of Compensation

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that over 100,000 people were injured in accidents involving large trucks in 2012. Bringing a successful personal injury claim against those at fault will be your best chance at recovering from your losses, both injurious and financial.

If a truck driver has lost control of his truck by braking too late or braking and swerving simultaneously, a serious accident could occur involving the cars around it. Overweight trucks and even an empty semi-truck can rollover, flattening cars nearby and killing motorists. If this has happened to you or your loved one as the result of negligent or reckless driving by a trucker, you may be entitled to compensation.

Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices has compassionate, experienced attorneys across DuPage County, who can guide you through the process and will fight for what is right and just. Speak with an experienced personal injury attorney to establish a way forward.

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