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Kardashian/Odom Divorce: High Stakes and High Visibility

 Posted on February 20, 2014 in Family Law

asset evaluation IMAGEThe Huffington Post is reporting that the divorce of reality star Khloe Kardashian and NBA analyst and former basketball player Lamar Odom will be a significant story arc in the upcoming season of E! Entertainment Television’s hit reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians. The couple married in September 2009, but controversy has wracked the relationship from the beginning. Amid accusations of infidelity on Odom ‘s part, as well as alleged cocaine and Oxycontin abuse, the couple filed for divorce last December. Kris Jenner, Kardashian’s mother, told the Huffington Post that the couple's’ troubles, Khloe’s trial in dealing with the relationship’s end, and the couple putting their $5 million mansion up for sale will all be covered in Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ upcoming ninth season.

Divorce is never easy, even when it seems that it is the right thing to do. But when large amounts of money are involved, emotions tend to cloud the judgment. It is easy to lose oneself in the mentality of “winning” versus “losing.” One may become reluctant to agree to anything out of sheer spite. A good way to avoid this kind of counterproductive thinking is to enter into a prenuptial agreement before getting married. If the time for that has come and gone, it is important to properly evaluate the worth of your assets before entering into divorce proceedings.

Pre-nuptial Agreements

Pre-nuptial agreements are contracts between parties about to wed declaring how assets are to be divided in the event of divorce. They are excellent tools to avoid animosity and cost if divorce is imminent. If the method of distribution of the marital assets is determined, there is one less bone of contention that parties (and attorneys billing at an hourly rate) must argue.

High-Value Asset Evaluation

Both Kardashian and Odom have prominent careers and have undoubtedly amassed a fortune for themselves. However, much of what they have earned is likely marital property, and thus must be equitably distributed between them. If they did not obtain a pre-nuptial agreement, accurate determination of the value of their property (which may include production companies, product lines, and television production contracts) is absolutely vital. An experienced family attorney has the resources to effectively determine the worth of shared property in an effort to equitably divide the assets.

Contact an Illinois Divorce Lawyer

Whether rich or poor, pre-nuptial agreement or not, divorce is a difficult experience. A knowledgeable divorce attorney can help make the process as painless as possible. If you are contemplating divorce, contact Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices at 630-932-9100.

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